Say other measures will be introduced instead Donald Trump says Boris Johnson asked him to set up a meeting between the family of a teenager killed in a road accident in Northamptonshire and the American woman suspected of being involved the parents of Harry Dunn flew to the u.s. To try to persuade Ansa Kulis to return to the u.k. For questioning yesterday they met President Trump in the White House and he told them she was in the next room and they could see her but they refused tonight Mr Trump has given his account of the exchange I offered to bring the person in question in and they were ready for what I did offer I spoke with Boris Yes we have I do that and I did it unfortunately they wanted to meet with her and unfortunately when we had everybody together they decided not to meet the transport secretary has suggested the Northern Rail franchise could be nationalized gunshop says he s looking at whether to bring the service under government control because of the poor performance
On customs between the European Union Northern Ireland and the u.k. They want to have I beg our say violate the European Union want to give them and there is a divide to be bribed plans for a so-called pawn block or have been dropped by the government it would have meant having an age verification check to assess some adult websites ministers say other measures will be introduced instead Donald Trump says Boris Johnson asked him to set up a meeting between the family of a teenager killed in a road accident in Northamptonshire and the American woman suspected of being involved the parents of Harry Dunn flew to the u.s. To try to persuade answer Kulis to return to the u.k. For questioning yesterday they met President Trump in the White House and he told them she was in the next room and they could see her but they refused tonight Mr Trump has given his account of the exchange I offered to bring the person in question and they were ready for. But I did offer a spoke with Boris Yes we hav
Knife right through till 1 o clock in the morning. And I missed you today. Before we go any further surrounded by people you love doing things the chill like I really have that was the case today one of those moments right woke up. Which is you know attention to that most things and I woke up and I thought to myself you know I ll have a quick check on the social media s because you know I am Dr Geist and I was then I thought well I ll see what s trending in and I look down and I see a name and I ve seen this many times fills me with panic. Sudden swell of sadness a soul the name trending on Twitter and gelatinous spring. No context was available it was literally just Angela Lansbury and I immediately. Just thought. It was lose people get caught with this with all sorts of people with a trend on like social media it was Angela saddens. Spent most of my life watching still find gelatinous trees begin to be I will mention that long period when I was an employee. And Angela Lansbury was
Genesis Jesus he knows me. Half an hour away from the latest episode a story chapter 3 of the author of Israel gal by g.k. Chesterton a Father Brown mystery is read by pulled. The set of his happened you know this this is Lord of the castle is in the Lord of the château he s dead and the various people of of turned up in the aftermath including Flambeau the French detective and Saul Brown and all brought to life magnificently by Poles so that ll be here in a half hour fact of the day s well in the midnight Moment is next. Station. D.c.u. Radio only. Headlines as follows tonight the American secretary of state Mike Pompei o as described Saturday s missile and drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities as an act of war and has blamed Iran Tehran as it denied any involvement during a phone call Boris Johnson and President Trump agreed the need for a united response. The prime minister has responded after being confronted by the father of a sick child during a visit to a hospital in Ea
And more of a working class guy who cooked his own meals that s that s about as fast to get him as he got he cooked in the 1960 which a man didn t do that was in there on the cross on the front from Michael Caine. Glenn was a great cook a smashing cook I learned a lot about food from playing Harry Palmer and once the Harry Potter films came about and this was seems like a a great thing that the Daily Mirror put this. Column together we ll call them like comic strips and you can see a book in the back of shows how to make a steak and kidney pudding with little drawings on it make it kidney pudding crust and they re all done in like comic style so yeah there s only in little frames in psych just numbered one to 7 how to make cannot on a low roundish count on the wrong yeah something orange dog chicken kiev. Chicken Kiev I ve never had a lucky there was also one of how to make a decent curry how to make how to carve a turkey. In this kind of jerky 960 s. Illustration that was a little bi