Genesis Jesus he knows me. Half an hour away from the latest episode a story chapter 3 of the author of Israel gal by g.k. Chesterton a Father Brown mystery is read by pulled. The set of his happened you know this this is Lord of the castle is in the Lord of the château he's dead and the various people of of turned up in the aftermath including Flambeau the French detective and Saul Brown and all brought to life magnificently by Poles so that'll be here in a half hour fact of the day's well in the midnight Moment is next. Station. D.c.u. Radio only. Headlines as follows tonight the American secretary of state Mike Pompei o as described Saturday's missile and drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities as an act of war and has blamed Iran Tehran as it denied any involvement during a phone call Boris Johnson and President Trump agreed the need for a united response. The prime minister has responded after being confronted by the father of a sick child during a visit to a hospital in East London earlier today the man who is a Labor activist harangued Mr Johnson about staffing levels in the n.h.s. Political correspondent Nic Italy has more this isn't the 1st time there Boris Johnson has been heckled on the road he says I've been pm for 57 days a reference I think to the fact that he's not taking the blame for some of the underfunding of hospitals He says part of my job is to talk to people on the ground and listen to what they tell me about the big problems it doesn't matter if they agree with me I'm glad this gentleman told me his problems this is an embarrassment this is part of my job the leading sexual health charity the Terrence Higgins Trust says there's been an increase in people looking for information about HIV as a guy with Thomas Hearns to the weekend that he was living with the virus the former Wales captain says he wants to help educate people about the condition he's also spoken of how newspapers found out about his diagnosis nasty's parents about it before the family discuss things properly Angela Phillips who's a professor of journalism at Goldsmiths University in London question whether journalists breached per standard guidelines. This is or is by definition private This is by definition a breach of privacy and I cannot see that there's any real public any real justification for it the. B.b.c. Were there with. A point to come across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire high pressure in charge of parts and will be dry with broken clouds temperatures down to 7 Celsius us $45.00 Fahrenheit so another satellites come tomorrow all of us will be dry and bright with spells of sunshine although skies may well turn partly cloudy at times but in the sunny spot say it really is going to feel warm for the time of the year we're expecting temperatures to reach 20 Celsius that's 68 Fahrenheit your station for your shows. Russell. B.b.c. Radio you. Have a very good morning. Day you welcome a long. Day nineteenth's of September. Night friend. Through till 1 o'clock not on my own for this little bit his producer Darren Williams Hello good morning sir morning to what's that you have in your hands Daryn this is Len Deighton action cookbook action. So describe the setup for this to tell me tell me why this book was made what's going on well I think it's that Len Deighton is obviously the author of the Harry Palmer novels so Chris files and all those kind of things and he kind of made a can kind of an anti James Bond wears more of a working class guy who cooked his own meals and that's that's about as 1st get he has he got he cooked in the 1960 which a man didn't do that was a millstone on the cross on the front and from Michael Caine Glenn was a great cook a smashing cook I learned a lot about food from playing Harry Palmer and once the Harry Potter films came about and this was seems like a of a great thing and the Daily Mirror put this. Column together we'll call them like comic strips and you can see some in the back of shows how to make a steak could be put in a little drawings on it make that steak and kidney pudding soup crust and they're all done in Leyland comic styles. There's always been a little frames in psych just numbered one to 7 how to make comments on. Count on. Something orange dog chicken kiev. I've never had a lucky there's also one of how to make a decent curry how to make how to carve a turkey. In this kind of jerky 960 s. Illustration that was a little bit kind of wood codes. Before. Read it all minestrone how to make you know many Strone. Ministroke but it starts with there's the how to make your own wine cellar this is do with this is a book for men of action isn't it. Well the various herbs do. Spices Brit's starts I've forgotten about this right at the start. No need to refer now one needs a refrigerator that on then is that of the whole little essay in there about why you need a refrigerator when you buy a woman what to look for the same with the automatic cooker the pressure cooker all . Do this is to despise hadn't been in my 600 this out and shit to this is if. The agent of a foreign. Do a quick dock of the wrong drinks go with male saw white burgundy girls with fish and shellfish read it my psych class mates poll revealed chicken how to make. Veal a scallops. Portland spread. For a couple of days some sort of Friday putting it out it was a look at this and let it and he's sort of there's a lady all over him just right put on him draped on him and he's there on the cover here every strand of basically straight is spaghetti Yes the phrase you. Try to try to straightest begetting. And then she's she's teasing the hair above easy a very playful fashion means you know how to make spaghetti Yeah that's there we go it's in the media Yes It's not want to be the thing one and that would have been something funny impressive the kind of sixty's and seventy's because not many people. Would have passed here. When a basic wine some of dharnas any fool knows has about 6 bottles of Burgundy White Burgundy has 6 bottles of white Bordeaux 4 of a really fine red Bordeaux and a heavy red 12 bottles of heavy red that's what I love about it he get let me get the wine list that looks very sophisticated but then he shows you how to make a steak. With. Mom used to cook. A ball about. Well thank you for bringing that what's Ok and. I was looking earlier on at the there was a recipe for making your own burgers It was go to the butches and get the. Live a live live apart make the best be what it has. Nobody wants all to the rich from a. Trifle. Well I'm going to have a look through that the last good I mean he looks great on the cover that's so nice how long he had this long maybe 10 years ago not long maybe 10 years yeah you know at times like he just. Got word from my brother when he 1st moved here terrible Did he learn some of the recipes from it cause telling about. His cans on it. Full of beer you know. Even if he took. Off and even the drink soup at the tin No dude an animal you know that's living alone was just one of the meat soups for under a bridge oxtail just popped it in open like that straight that we newspaper blanket So when you when you're eating on the go if you're a high powered executive. So you can stray out the same pocket soup so that you. Never without a dinner. Drink it down sport so. That's why so you say multi uses Dihydrogen other high this is isotonic. Very high priority. Which is like a story of oh yes place loves the stories tonight Ok Well we're going to go to search certain dean of beach in Florida for not being a be going for and then Dean a big mass our county sheriff's office. Says this is quite the story. This comes from the Jacksonville Times Union there's a lot going on that you think that's an amalgamation of newspapers I think so with her and she. Authorities say a man and a woman were stopped for drunken bicycling in Florida old stop their drive drunk and then charge off yeah coming very dangerous to Florida beach town for an Indian or. So the deputy stops them yes hey hey buddy. You won the lady in the back of the wagon. So. It's always Jerry Lewis. The names Aaron and Meghan as well but they they were arrested. Back in the car lady. There's a load in the back of the wagon and away they go they almost got hit by a car which is why they were spotted by a deputy. Called into the rap sheet. They were they both face charges of resisting arrest with violence. Committing and the vicious. Vicious lascivious act that's what I'm exposing Goldens Darren Oh no no no no no yeah. An arrest report says they were put into a squad car to await being taken to jail it took off their clothes and started enjoying the rules of a calm type room with people. A naked Thomas was removed from the cruiser. Fled a war nerves because he said they was told Oh Ok then they could tell them a good seller was removed from the cruiser and fled so he just left she's in the back naked East Day kidneys run off absent child he was this is who he was later rearrested court records show they have. You know what to do is on the phone. I think they said he should just because I know they have no attorney to get a Perry Mason with a human I don't know if. You know if I'm bugged or that widget at the time. It would assume you're under. Arrest you wouldn't get the economy with the deal not with a political you know you go off with. A trip over a big budget was kill visions of Enron in a way I speed sucks insults us but. Let's see the. C.l.a. Apology Otome But so I says to peg it. May have got new attorney. His final story tonight I'll just do this like this this is from Belfast live Ok. This is gotten pretty viral load it will get more viral viral viral finally able viral. Me Aly $88.00 spent a night out in the toils. Should have been. Strange this story happens in Glasgow but it was picked up by the Belfast life this is what we did she was a night on the tiles a Glasgow nice I mean a nice old Boogie in a rave and all that kind of stuff that young people do just to bogotá jitterbugging doing the Charleston whatever speakeasies. Good old elite. Name is Haley and I'm just sort of a name is a really a why Ok I hated the fight. Is it too late to say I'm sorry. What should've been a while time could be turned into a no deal for the Scottish woman who complained about a painful new shoes to Paul's right Ok The terrible thing this is no one to give up on a good night out though she potted on the spot. The painful feet. And the next day . I think was about you know I was going to take this to Twitter as people they're going to stick around the you know all the shoes in the car believe. Come believe it but people are going to stand. By all this kind of stuff. Babes. Rather than being too tight hopefully designed shoes have been simply war on the wrong feet. Instead of keeping the blood to ourself she told her friend who then posted about it should. Georgia friend who's actually doing Georgia's from. Actually Mon in full night says she couldn't walk in the shoes she firmly I think so. If she wasn't she has no. Where in a Mom wrong fate nobody pointed out at all throughout the night you know this lassie man says she ended the phrasing. Alongside the tweet Georgia posted a picture before the night's out. A but. When you zoom in on a freak You see she's got on the right. The shoes especially go the rogue sun it's . The last one person to eat it oh m.g. Dying. Shoes look Peng the look hang with bang bang. So there she is so we're a little bit of embarrassment but she knows she looks too good to be she's a she's a fine looking young lady I had a wonderful night out with mates and it's mates that have a barrister on social media. Has a great story I'm so glad the social media was not about when I was you know all the things and mistakes that you made when you are above all full. Heavens. That was socially you know the worst thing I can imagine anything worse you know and he had me young people and stuff that like started school upset all round but I'd say yes it is it should be your proper a little don't go on until you're least 2223 just I think that's going to happen though because people go people are kids now about 1415. Looking at Facebook guy yeah that fall like moms and groundnuts Yes Facebook not cool for young people you know never has been. Well for time it is now. Really isn't enough going up to it is aging Instagram's the big one now it's not time stamp Yeah but everything else Friends Reunited you know I want to see him and my mom's photo album yeah yeah cause he gets the point in life where you've befriended your aunties and then that's it it's curtains and they're already on mine they're already on mine it'll stop but I ended up having to set up a group just so they could all go on. Just so I know where they are just talks yourself heard them through all the. Still argue with me yeah what conversations that I've had with other people like to like your own he's always your own he's always falls for every scam this kind of send this on and it won't happen types got it it was like. I know. It's fake Yeah well you need to do is Google the 1st line of the story in a flash and say here's a scam from 10 years ago yes but basically if you find on social media don't trust it is always buy if you can be pleased with it and I'm very cynical to the midnight moment Jane Austen Oh yes pride in print nice. Ladies imagination is very rapid it jumps from admiration to love from love to matrimony in a moment mirthfully by such a court that Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice as we do the robot will just. Use the King's. Cool. Calm. Cool and. Cool and ask. You a risk pool. Cohen thanks. Rick the a. Pool to. Keep the cool at the and ask you a secret to a cool. Cool ng you and. Cool and. At the. At the. Wrong with. You and. You a. Long way back. To a. Come. Back. With the. Cool Stevie Wonder superstition I'll. Be at the. Top of. The boat. To Storyville here the owner of Israel by g. K. Chesterton read by Mr Paul Dempsey and the Gladstone line the persona show day Smokey Robinson the miracle beautiful South Justin Timberlake a couple of seconds tired he's Leo and full of. The onus is to. Strangers don't. Tell me. I'm losing my mind. Playing more of the music you love b.b.c. Radio Leeds. Get this. It goes electric. Guy you know the feeling when we. Get done. There. It's. Been so funny but. It's. Just. Because they. Get. It. Well. Justin Timberlake the feeling full that. You were the Late Show on the b.b.c. Was shoddy Smokey Robinson years and. Coming up very soon. 25 to. 5 Live in the team will be in next to work told from the day's headlines as you would expect. I'm only 5 minutes late for this story of a good book. By g.k. Chesterton as read by Mr. Paul 3. Father Brown is about to enter this stately home the chateau. Where the Lord has recently passed away the servants took care of the you know what you do in that eventuality. I don't think the priest is on his own when he enters the castle. Told him free narrating a story as Father Brown passed through the dimmed and came under the shadow of the shutter the clouds were thick and the whole Ed damp and thunder. Against the last stripe of the green gold sun says he saw a black human silhouette a man in a chimney pot hat with a big spade over his shoulder. The combination was quickly suggestive of a sexton But when Brown remembered the death servant who talked potatoes he thought it natural enough he knew something of the Scotch peasant he knew the respectability which might well feel it necessary to wear blacks for an official inquiry. He also knew the economy the would not lose and I was digging for that even the man stars and suspicious stares the priest went by or consonant enough with the vigilance and jealousy and such a time the great door was opened by Flambeau himself who had with him a lean man with gray hair and papers in his hand inspector Craven from Scotland Yard the entrance hole was mostly stripped and empty but the pale sneering faces of one or 2 of the wiki doggle these look down out of Blackberry weeks and blackening countless following them into an inner room Father Brown found that the Allies had been seated at a long table of which their end was covered with scribbled papers flanked with whisky and cigars through the whole of its remaining length it was occupied by detached objects arranged at intervals objects about as an explicit as any objects could be one looked like a small heap of glittering broken glass another looked like a high heap of brown dust the 3rd appeared to be a plain stick of wood you seem to have a sort of geological museum he said as he sat down jerking his head briefly in the direction of the brown dust and the crystalline fragments. As you look you can museum replied Flambeau see a psychological museum for the Lord's sake cried the police detective laughing total Let's begin with such long words. Starting off with long words fall the Bramwell way into the mystery. Always does follow Flambeau are. Allowed. On the show to rob the officer from Scotland Yard up the wrong way I would say but the investigation begins proper final episode of the week same time tomorrow night if you ever miss an episode you can catch it on light to grab a on the b.b.c. Sounds app where You'll now find those in the locals on the top will. You haven't updated it they did it this week so we're installing again and you can enjoy and find as much. Smokey Robinson in the miracles could be Good Charlotte day there was next to Richard stead breakfast show I have sort of committed to the old some wardrobe this way is knife time sporting the old lumberjack shirts resurrecting the Sleep. The be. Long long. Long. Long. The b. . C. . The ball. Smokey Robinson the miracles 2nd that emotion showed a willful that one with his King good morning to you 5 life has always been here 1 o'clock told him from the headlines as such one of 2 stories continuing to dominate most of the newspapers go with the same one or 2 stories. Years and years in a 2nd beautiful South Coldplay so I'm looking around thinking what's great on the box tonight. What can I recommend you in every night of the week there's something that's on and it's rolling on the Hairy Bikers show I was really enjoying that streaming services like You know it's before 5 launched in the States today that are spending half a 1000000000 on the rights for Seinfeld or friends or Big Bang Theory. Sometime and that's great because I stream a lot of my viewing these days about 90 percent of what I watch as I watch on streaming services but I will still settle down when we finish one of the endless meetings for the show tonight I watch Hairy Bikers Route 66 I like 2 big lads took it into some nice dinners it just makes the evenings go a little nicer there are other things really enjoyed like the 1st episode of The Hairy Bikers series I just find it really engaging and you know me I like food. Over on i.t.v. At 9 o'clock it's Billy Connolly is a great American trial that's continuing That's an interesting watch if you haven't caught up with that yet always nice to spend some time with the big. First Dates hotel that's at 9 always good and this will in fact this will make the news tomorrow this other show because the book did well that was out last weekend and regardless of your opinion one way or the other it's should be a fascinating television program you know every prime minister leaves office and the b.b.c. . Goes to them and you had these these long programs and it basically that contains about 200 interviews with people it tells the story of a Premiership and it's all in snippets of the people who were there 1st one I ever saw was the fact she is that was about 5 pot to be honest and then it was there was the 3 part of a John Major So the Tony Blair wanted think they did one for Gordon Brown the Cameron years tonight b.b.c. One at 9 o'clock it's only a 2 parter. But it has about $300.00 interviews in it and it tells the story of suppose it would go for women in the leadership election to David Davis was need be in the leadership election elected in 2010 coalition government 20152017 or 2016 in the referendum so it's not a huge amount of time in the store that it telling but it's 9 o'clock on the b.b.c. One so I thought I'd shout up some options there so that's opposite Billy Connolly and state so tell so if you don't want to watch the cover programme you don't have to be a catchall the i Player afterward so playing. It is always mind Netflix which I plug every night and have done for a month really must stop before the boss of a listen. You played games. 16. To see. When he sat. With. You want to see this smile. And he told. Him with the poll. Of. Polls. If you say. Well. I can work this thing. And if you say. Well. Every. 6. The. Time. I. 10 by the beautiful South on The Late Show years and years before that Coldplay will be big finish tonight thank you so much FIA company tonight calls texts emails and tweets and all that jazz always fun but it companies the best thing is going oh I'll see a little later on tonight would you know the sit sound final episode to Storyville and a half hour power but a day without learning is a day wasted. To be babied to have a very small. Am . Plenty plenty plenty plenty. Still. To. This. List. So. 5 Live from 1 o'clock of 5 live as we're joined by the b.b.c. Local radio stations across the u.k. Hello local radio listeners abroad shot the main news on 5 live coals for the u.k. To rescind proposals for breaks it's not in sport top number lead in Greece so while Manchester City coast it in Ukraine you can hear up all night on the b.b.c. Stands up for I fought on Droid and. This is b.b.c. 5. With the b.b.c. News on 5 Live here is clear Graeme Thanks rolled Finland's prime minister says Boris Johnson has less than 2 weeks to set out his breaks it plans in writing and see read as says if the Prime Minister doesn't meet that deadline then it's over our political correspondent says Nick Ardley it's not clear what. Truly means and it is not a through position yet this is the Fens they say with the support of the French talking about the urgency they now see in getting a proposal from the u.k. Don't all paper 3 teenagers have been charged with the murder of p.c. Andrew Harper who was killed while investigating a burglary in park sure last month and 18 year olds to 17 year olds will appear at reading Magistrates Court in the morning. David Cameron says he saw figures of 17 wickets for 86 runs in that match and internists the women's grass court tournament in Birmingham held in June is being downgraded from next summer the tournament's been operating at a significant loss Wimbledon will now support a new event in Berlin. This is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Said it's. The weather forecast and overnight most areas of the dry with clear spouse followed by some patchy mist enfold developing in places the day had most places will see a dry and fine day was sunny spells northern areas may see some clouds and patchy rain highs of 21 in London and 18 in Edinburgh. East. Of the sports minister. Could see she could be completed she needs to stick she could seem. To miss most of it has many missing links between. 20 starts Friday on $5.00 and $5.00. The u.k. . Abroad shop where. The founder and 1st prime minister of the state of Israel had a vaulting image of how the new state would be having driven the British out of Palestine they would Ben-Gurion proclamation of independence held out a promise we extend the hand of peace and good neighborliness to all the states around us to their people and we call upon them to cooperate in mutual helpfulness with the end the pain the Jewish nation of. The state of Israel is prepared to make its contribution in a concerted. Effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East 7 painful decades later Israel is teetering on a change of government what else could change to. A President Trump wrote in a tweet tonight that he's ordered substantially increased sanctions on Iran yet in an airport with reporters he also said that they are ready and president is welcome to come to the United States for talks in Tehran President Rouhani family ruled that out and Riyadh and Saudi Arabia the u.s. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo called the weekend's attacks on key Saudi oil facilities an act of war it would be very hard for comments from so many leading actress to point in so many different.

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