Once used as a tool for constitutional reform, Congress has repurposed Article V of the U.S. Constitution into a mechanism for taking positions on issues, according to new Cornell research.
Ten years ago this week, the vice president surprised his own boss with a then-shocking statement on national TV. It may not have changed America, but it changed Biden’s political career.
it was the one thing that meant everything. everything. and, a full inclusion in the family a full citizenship, no shame, and no no disguise. and wow, yes. it brings me back. and those were amazing days. but i knew we were right. you have got to remember i just felt as long as we kept at it. we nearly had a federal marriage amendment. we had the clintons and bush s against us. this is a long story. so anyway. thank you for having me. thank you for sharing this day with me. it has been wonderful. andrew thank you for being with us tonight. jeff toobin as well. we talked about james obergefeld. he stepped outside the court. departed as a hero to many. including president obama who told him on the steps of the