Serving as the first of three planned standalone films, the project from Nickelodeon Animation, Paramount Animation, Avatar Studios and Flying Bark Productions will premiere October 10, 2025.
Paramount and Walter Hamada are producing the project, titled ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin,’ which will adapt a popular storyline from the recent IDW comics; Tyler Burton Smith is set to pen the script.
Newest version includes enhanced technology features such as XPU Advancements and Interactive Denoising; core improvements include faster instancing and texture read parallelism and improvements in RenderMan's Stylized Looks toolset for enhanced creative control.
Entertainment company teams up with That Spark Corp to co-produce 3D animated kids’ show based on Chris Parsons’ popular kids’ book series, slated for 2025 release; companion mobile app and Roblox game also announced.