it pr it s pretty tough to ignore that was a direct threat in many ways. it almost seemed like giuliani sat down with the president and the president said i want you to make it clear, send a message about leaving ivanka alone. all of us are critical of the president so nobody can criticize him for wanting to protect his daughter. but it also suggests that maybe the president s true fear is what would be found out if there was a detailed investigation of the trump organization or ivanka s businesses. that s what he s worried about. and a message is being sent to mueller don t touch her, don t go near her. and we also got a statement from rudy giuliani where he talks specifically about james comey and writes it is undisputed that the president s dismissal of former director comey an inferior executive
already in trouble. sob, referring to nfl players who peacefully protest racial prejudice. that s stronger than what the president said about white supremacy in charlottesville. i don t think it s a bit of a stretch to say it s a dog whistle being played out there. protesters were almost entirely black and the team owners who the president was calling upon to fire or suspendare almost entirely white and the president chose to launch this campaign in front of an almost all white crowd in alabama. is president trump a racist? making racist appeals to his support centers. sean: we re going to be different on this show than all of those shows the presidentnt came out and said specifically these comments he made have nothing to do with race. watch the president. president trump: i watched a little i was not watching the games today, believe me i m doing other things i watched a little bit. i will say there was tremendous
unity. the messaging was spot on. the substance has always been spot on. that buttoned it up now. if it was important to get the bad dudes out, is it pr? i think it is pr. it was a great speech and i don t think it was compared to trump. it was compared to anybody. it was a well written speech and delivered well. he had a powerful moment with the widow of the navy s.e.a.l. who died. that is something that was incredibly moving and he was almost compassionate and that was inspiration and i wrote down the same line you wrote down. there were moments where he talked about cooperating and working across party lines on different issues and bringing up parental leave. infrastructure spending and things that democrats could care
good faith, we ll be their willing partners. some concerns about emergency room costs. with the new implementation of the health care website and consequently the insurance, there are concerns that people, as much as a 40% increase of newly insured will go to emergency rooms and overburden them. what s your response to that? is that a flaw in the program? as a dad who has daughters who officially fall out of trees and that sort of thing, i would say that people going to the emergency room are usually not making an economic calculus. they re there because there s an emergency. so my uninformed admittedly guess is you re not going to see a dramatically change in behavior. what you are going to see is ten million americans now have insurance who didn t have it pr. those people for the first time may go see a doctor when something is developing and, therefore, maybe something gets caught early and, therefore, they re not dealing with that weeks down the road in an emergency room. that
washington today. i take it pr the rest of the area, to not to skael clean vote. there are not the votes in the house to pass. the speaker said there aren t the votes on the floor to reopen the government. let me issue a friendly challenge. put it on the floor monday or tuesday. i would bet there are the votes to pass it. we have just about every democrat. 21 republicans have said they would. there are many more republicans have said they privately would. so just vote. we want to bring in erin, what are the odds that boehner will take schumer up on that challenge? certainly not tomorrow. if it happens, it will be much later this week. the speaker has said repeatedly that he doesn t have the votes. we do think that there are about 20 republicans or so who mate vote for a cleaning spending bill. but on the very next fight in