Ashish Vidyarthi Wedding: On Friday, Ashish Vidyarthi took to social media, where he not only talked about his second wedding but also clarified his age. Further, breaking his silence in a 3-minute-long video, Ashish Vidyarthi stated that everybody deserves happiness and revealed that when he and his first wife, Piloo, got separated amicably.
Get latest articles and stories on Business at LatestLY. The India Fashion Awards 2022, presented by Rajnigandha Pearls oared by Mario foods, was held at Andaz by Hyatt to celebrate innovators in the fashion industry. The who s who of fashion across the country were present at the gala night to either receive the awards or to celebrate those who won. Ace fashion designers, Bollywood celebrities, and business tycoons including Manish Malhotra, Elnaaz Narouzi, Vagish Pathak, Raghavendra Rathore, Anaita Shroff, Rocky Star, Vipul Goel, Vijender Singh, Ambika Pillai, Maneka Gandhi, Carol Gracias, Aparna Bahl graced the occasion. The 3rd season of the awards was powered by Mario Foods and Kuber shoppe, co-powered by Pepsi, DLF Malls, Ebix cash in association with PC Jewellers, Cream Bell, Artize, Vega, Little Tags Luxury, and many other leading brands. Business News | New Torchbearers of India s Fashion Revolution Win Big at the Third Edition of The India Fashion Awards.
New Delhi [India], December 16 (ANI/PRNewswire): The India Fashion Awards 2022, presented by Rajnigandha Pearls oared by Mario foods, was held at Andaz by Hyatt to celebrate innovators in the fashion industry. The who's who of fashion across the country were present at the gala night to either receive the awards or to celebrate those who won. Ace fashion designers, Bollywood celebrities, and business tycoons including Manish Malhotra, Elnaaz Narouzi, Vagish Pathak, Raghavendra Rathore, Anaita Shroff, Rocky Star, Vipul Goel, Vijender Singh, Ambika Pillai, Maneka Gandhi, Carol Gracias, Aparna Bahl graced the occasion. The 3rd season of the awards was powered by Mario Foods and Kuber shoppe, co-powered by Pepsi, DLF Malls, Ebix cash in association with PC Jewellers, Cream Bell, Artize, Vega, Little Tags Luxury, and many other leading brands. The Jury included Sanjay Nigam, Vagish Pathak, Dia Mirza, Raghavendra Rathore, Nikhil Kamath, Shalini Passi, Maneka Gandhi, Ambika Pillai, Kunal