With Snow On Ground Twin Falls Could See Snow Fleas Soon
Now that Twin Falls has some real snow on the ground, it s time to prepare for the infestation of snow fleas. When I first heard someone mention snow fleas I thought it was the start to some stupid dad joke. Nope, they are real and they are really not a big deal to humans and our pets. You don t need to worry about snow fleas on your pets or even on you since they aren t even really a flea. They are a bug though, and that makes them gross. I was on the Farmer s Almanac looking for weather information since I don t trust the rodent from out East. While I was there I looked up information on the snow fleas, to see if they were real and if they were something we would see in Idaho. The answer to both questions is yes.
Did You Know That You Can Deice Your Windshield With A Potato?
The colder and wetter weather is coming. With that also comes ice. Here s a quick and easy trick that you might want to know about beforehand.
We are expecting to see a rain/snow mix this week. Combine that with freezing overnight temperatures, you might have a windshield full of ice before your morning drive.
One of the most irritating things that comes with winter weather is having an ice-covered windshield. It s early in the morning, it s cold, you re running late, and it s just a hassle to either wait for your defrost melt the ice or to scrape the ice off of your windshield.