well, one of the films to receive an oscar nomination is the indian film rrr. it is an historical fantasy film, which tells the fictional story of two real life indian revolutionaries, fighting british rule. it features dazzling action sequences, dance tracks and patriotic anthems. have a look. ashanti 0mkar is a film and tv critic and has interviewed ss rajamouli, the director of rrr. she spoke to us about how significant this nomination is, especially for an indian film from the southern region of the country.
James Cameron's Avatar: The Way of Water had its world premiere in London, and the first reactions from critics are out, and it looks like the sequel may surpass the original.
ANDOVER — Bill Pennington was with a group of three guys in early 1988 when the “dumb idea” of the Merrimack Valley Striders Running Club putting on a Thanksgiving Day
Amazon Prime brings Tolkien's fantasy world back to life. Opulent images, a diverse cast fans have great expectations for the most expensive series in TV history.