have as much political clout. it s that simple. and look, i don t want to hate on farmers. look, family farmers are but that s, for the most part, not who s it s mostly not family fae farmers, it s soybeans and corn. and huge number of people get farm subsidies for land they ve never seen. agro businesses have donated over $600 million to federal campaigns over the last decade. look, i know the s.n.a.p. program, the food stamps program is a big target, but people need to understand, it s the only part of the poor people s safety net left. welfare, as we know it, is gone. i worked for president clinton s administration and i supported welfare reform to move people to more living wage jobs, but less than 10% of even the food stamps recipients in america get cash welfare. housing assistance is gone. this is the last thing that low-income people used to survive on. this is such an important point. we stopped building affordable