City leaders hope a new affordable housing law will increase the supply of affordable units in the city, but critics say the policy may lead to reduced construction and higher housing costs.
Will 2021 prove to be the year that several states finally adopt a right to repair?
Last year witnessed monumental progress for right to repair, including the expansion of an existing Massachusetts law that requires car makers to provide independent mechanics access to the same diagnostic tools used in dealerships. A federal right to repair law was also considered for the first time in US history.
2021 is expected to take the effort to an entirely new level.
This 14 number understates state interest. In 2019, 20 states mulled such initiatives – to no avail (see this 2019 post, which included a map of states then considering adopting some form of a digital right to repair, Nebraska Farmers Lead on Right to Repair). And according to Food Tank, nearly three dozen states have considered right to repair legislation, in Farmers Fight For Right To Repair Their Own Equipment.
Last week, Kerry Bouchard and Sandi White stopped by the Sun Times office to assemble their second batch of 2021 calendars just in time for Christmas. The calendars, featuring old