qualification that counts more here than the german passports of both men. knew cuts will have to be implemented at deutsche bank new enormous changes in the i.t. division and it s probably a good idea to have people here in charge who know the bank and all of its corners and many of the people very well. changes like the way definitely. in france would force thank you. five years ago today the collapse of a multistory tech stuff sector factory building killed more than eleven hundred workers in what since has become known as the runup plaza disaster a painful light on working conditions in the bangladeshi textile industry the accidents or brands unions and the government set up initiatives to improve factory safety but despite some financial compensation many victims of the rana plaza
man islands tax man is taking a big bite out of apple s profits doublet has reached an agreement with the u.s. based tech firm getting some thirteen billion euros in back taxes the bill stems from a twenty sixteen e.u. decision that the tab and apple e apple had illegally profited from a sweetheart deal with the irish government apple is still appealing the decision but the company has agreed to begin paying into an escrow account as it waits for a vote. it was the deadliest accident of its kind five years ago today the collapse of a textile factory in bangladesh killed over eleven hundred workers the rana plaza disaster shed a painful light on the budget fashion industry with sweatshop conditions and little regard for workers health and safety brands unions and the government pledge to improve factory safety at the risk of another deadly disaster remains. every step hurts and she hasn t been able to walk without crutches for five years.
a painful light of the budget fashion industry with sweatshop conditions and little regard for workers health and safety brands unions and the government pledged to improve factory safety but the risk of another deadly disaster remains. every step hurts she hasn t been able to walk without crutches for five years. new for big of them was working as a seamstress at ronda plaza when the nine story building collapsed pinning her legs under the rubble for ten hours the compensation she received thirty five hundred euros wasn t enough to cover her multiple operations her family has had to scrimp and save. what i want compensation from the government none of the affected workers have been properly compensated they give us hardly anything what happened to all the aid money that came from abroad we need that money. there was
a multi-story building killing or eleven hundred garment workers share a painful lied on working conditions in the industry and the accidental brands unions and the government set up initiatives to improve factory safety but many laborers still work at their own peril researchers say and despite some financial compensation many victims of the rana plaza disaster feel abandoned. every step hurts she hasn t been able to walk without crutches for five years. need to forbid was working as a seamstress at run a plaza with a nine story building collapsed pinning her legs under the rubble for ten hours the compensation she received thirty five hundred euros wasn t enough to cover her multiple operations her family has had to scrimp and save. whatever i want compensation from the government none of the affected workers have been properly compensated they give us hardly anything what happened to all the aid
jeopocracy. plus. the new york times instructs us in the dark arts of the 501 c 4 and we ll tackle the complicated and dangerous relationship between globalization and factory safety. coming up next. ded your smart p. right. but the most important feature of all is. the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. and with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what s this button do? [ electricity zaps ] you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what s in your wallet? before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page. before he could easily transfer funds