a multi-story building killing or eleven hundred garment workers share a painful lied on working conditions in the industry and the accidental brands unions and the government set up initiatives to improve factory safety but many laborers still work at their own peril researchers say and despite some financial compensation many victims of the rana plaza disaster feel abandoned. every step hurts she hasn't been able to walk without crutches for five years. need to forbid was working as a seamstress at run a plaza with a nine story building collapsed pinning her legs under the rubble for ten hours the compensation she received thirty five hundred euros wasn't enough to cover her multiple operations her family has had to scrimp and save. whatever i want compensation from the government none of the affected workers have been properly compensated they give us hardly anything what happened to all the aid

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Government ,Workers ,Industry ,Conditions ,Laborers ,Factory Safety ,Unions ,Brands ,Building ,Peril ,Killing ,Initiatives ,Researchers ,Eleven Hundred ,Victims ,Compensation ,Step ,Crutches ,Rana Plaza Disaster Feel ,Five ,Legs ,Rubble ,Seamstress At Runa Plaza Witha Nine Story Building Collapsed Pinning ,Nine ,Thirty Five Hundred Euros ,Ten ,Thirty Five Hundred ,Aid Money ,Whatever ,Family ,Save ,None ,Anything ,Operations ,

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