they just want the principal back. reporter: and the satisfaction of giving their kids a chance at an investment that is increasingly out of reach. diana olick, nbc news, washington. it is a touch market out there. back in a moment with an nbc news investigation. why ththis doctor r is being accucused of f rara my husbandnd and i havave never r been more e active. shiningles doesnsn t care. i gogo to spin c classes with my cocoworkers. good foror you, shingleses doesn t care. because no matter how healthy you feel, yoyour risk ofof shingles s sy increaseses after agage 50. but shshingrix prorotects. proven over 90% effefective, shingrix i is a vaccinine useded to prevenent shingls inin adults 5050 years andnd . shshingrix doeoes nonot protect t everyone and isis not for t those wih sevevere allergigic reactios to its i ingredientsts or to a previvious dose.. an increreased risk k of guilillain-barréré syndrome was s observed a after getting shshingrix. faintiting can alslso hap