On the Arizona Cardinals’ first possession versus the Cleveland Browns, the Cardinals marched down to the Browns’ 7 yard line where they had a 2nd and 5. However, while Kyler Murray was giving.
on mask wearing as a mess, and that firms claim they are being given mixed messages and left in legal limbo over how to implement them. 0nline, the huffington post reports that the beano has crowned britain 5 funniest classroom . class 5b from forthill primary school in dundee submitted a topical joke about face masks in order to win the prize. it was, what did the face mask say to the mouth? i don t know. let me coverfor you! we needed a sound effect. 0ther jokes shortlisted included. where s the best place to take a dog for a walk? leeds. and, why did the mobile phone go for an eye test? because it lost its contacts! there you go. you need to give it a bit more for there you go. you need to give it a bit more for when there you go. you need to give it a bit more for when you re there you go. you need to give it a bit more for when you re telling - bit more for when you re telling yourjokes.
that was issued in january that they uncovered now after this audit. it s 150 units that were evacuated and in fact, chris, some of those folks are going back there today, they get a 15-minute window to get inside the building, get their possessions and leave. aside from just that, miami beach took actions immediately in the wake of this. they ordered two things. one was a visual look at all of the 500-plus buildings in miami beach that are at some stage of the recertification process, that 40-year timeline and also a 21-day mandate to get a structural engineering report from all those buildings as well. what they found, chris, were a number of buildings that had clear visual deficiencies just from the eye test. here s a city manager describing the steps they took. we sent our structural engineers with a team to visually observe and if there was anything that we saw that was of any concern, and that s an evolution, we re in that process right now. reporter: how many instances of th
inquiries over the years, a lot of increasingly talking rightly about how white working class children are not getting good enough grades. i think one of the things i really focus on whilst i was in education because this matters to me so much on the very personal level was putting in place something we called opportunity areas. they did exactly what i was just talking about. not only did they work inside schools, working with teachers and helping them to improve education they also crucially did work outside schools. they did tackle some of those issues that do affect young people. that can be the extent to which parents are able to support development. that can be the extent to which local businesses are giving work experience and raising aspirations. it could also be joining experience and raising aspirations. it could also bejoining up for example with the nhs in one of the opportunity areas in bradford for example make sure that local children had proper eye test. it turned out th