asked to turn those security cameras off when this search occurred and refused to do so. i want to read to you what one person close to former president trump told us when we asked do you think that this is a good idea? should he release these tapes? here is what that person said. quote, it s one thing to read a bunch of numbers on an inventory list, it s another to see law enforcement agents actually carrying a dozen plus boxes out of president trump s home knowing they probably contain sensitive documents. i don t see how that helps him. so, again, this has drawn mixed reactions inside the former president s orbit with some aides saying it s a good idea, release the footage, get it out there. among those steve bannon the former white house chief strategist to president trump. others saying we should hold back. maybe continue to tease this but don t ever actually release the footage, brianna. look, it depends on where you re looking at this from. for the people who think t
alarmed democrats in panic mode after joe biden appears confused and unfocused in last night s presidential debate. if we finally beat medicare he did beat medicare. he beat it to death. it was a slow start. no question about that. but i thought it was a strong finish. turning your back because ofç one performance? what kind of party does that? they talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the capital, and in many cases were ushered in by the police. mostly lying, and without much fact checking. after the debate he got more and more manic. i just won two club championships. to do that you have to be quite smart. i didn t have sex with a porn star. you would think the candidate who during the presidential debate said i didn t have sex with a porn star. who is the leader of that? donald trump isn t just a convicted felon, donald trump is a one-man crime wave. if that joe biden shut up last night there would be no question today.