We are back. Welcome to the gaithersburg book festival. My name is syl sobel, im a reporter for gaithersburg. Proudly supports we are pleased to bring you this fabulous event. When you see them please say thanks. Please silence all your devices. Hope youre following gbs on facebook and instagram. If you post about the festival use the dbf hashtag. Your feedback is really valuable to us. Surveys are available on our website. By committing a survey you will be entered into a drawing for a 100 visa if card. Etan thomas will be signing in the siding areas, copies of the book are on sale in the politics and prose tend. A quick word about buying books. This is a free event but it helps the book festival if you buy a lot of books. The more books we sell at the event the more publishers send their authors here to speak with us. Purchasing books for politics and prose help support one of the greatest independent bookstores, benefiting the local economy and local jobs. And at first glance. It ma
Brian do you remember that time almost 40 years ago and have you changed your thinking . Michio i remember that very vividly. When the threemile island to happen, ever was that we needed a scientist about the site for this mess to the American People. So that contacted me and i said to myself this why i do for a what i do for a living. Im a physicist. I said to myself i will get on National Television and National Radio because the situation demands it. Not because i want to do it but because people had to know, the dangers, the positives, the negatives of energy, one of the Big Questions of the age. That is how i backed into becoming a media person. Brian you say in your book that there was a teacher in second grade that had a big impact on your future. Michio she said god so loved the earth that he put the earth just right of the sun, not too far that the oceans will freeze but just right from the sun. Now, i was floored. I was in second grade. This was a scientific principle with th
Welcome to our audience here and those of us joining us by livestream. We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of journalism education at drake. In 1919, ournning program has been characterized by a close relationship with our profession and service to the community. We are proud to continue the tradition by cohosting the conversation tonight about Climate Change with experts on the front lines of this pressing public issue. This event is brought to you through a collaboration between Drake University and the philanthropic we funded, philanthropically funded free service for journalists to accurateore credible, researchbased news stories. We are just wrapping up a boot camp at drake where journalists from around the country received briefings from experts on issues that will be prominent in the president ial campaign. To acknowledge and thank the provost in the front row who is herself a scientist. Also the former Washington Post science reporter and the entire team of scientists and
American people who entrust us with their sons and daughters to keep them informed of the work our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and the permit of defense civilians do every day and keep our nation safe. We have many avenues to engage with the media and todays world moving forward i intend to do these briefings to maintain an open dialogue about the departments activities. Head of phobic affairs and representatives from the joint staff will begin holding regular press briefings. My aim is to give you an overview of my first 30 days and often talk about my priorities for the department. It has been a very busy first month for the team and im very encouraged by the progress we are making. Our direction remains fixed. We are committed to the National Defense strategy, building a more lethal force, strengthening our alliance and partnerships and reforming the department for Better Business practices which i added taking care of Service Members and their families. The mbs is grounded i
Were in the boeing milestones of flight hall at the center of the museum. And this is the hall where we display the pioneering aircraft and spacecraft that transform the modern world. When this Museum Opened in july of 1976, almost every space artifact on display had recently been in the news. This was very much a museum of contemporary space flight. And it was for most people their first chance to see what had been lauded in the 1960s and early 1970s during this heroic age of Space Exploration when humans first ventured off the planet into space and all the way to the moon, when the United States and the soviet union began sending craft out to explore the nearby planets. All of this was exciting, thrilling, and people just flocked in to the museum to see it. In the 40 years since this building opened, we have continued to acquire treasures of space history. We have now about 17,000 artifacts related to space history. We have just over a thousand of them on display in our two locations