inspector women have inspector general s report came out and proved what way cloa cl was, what a liar he was. he also committed perjury before the house and the senate in other testimony. you would, in normal circumstances the attorney general would be forced to resign then, perhaps would even be brought up on charges of perjury. i m not exactly sure why he hasn t been brought up on charges of perjury. i m not sure why somebody hasn t moved to start disbarring that man from the district bar. but he continues, he continues to use his position to be little more than donald trump s roy cohn. which is all donald trump really asked for. attorney general william barr, what you saw was him earlier this year appearing before the senate judiciary committee where he said that spying did occur against president trump s 2016 campaign. the ig report says otherwise.
trump/russia investigation. also today, the president meets with russia s foreign minister in the oval office. quite some timing, joe. what a day yesterday, my gosh. incredible. you saw at some point the republicans on the judiciary committee just just seeming to lose their minds screaming and yelling, chasing their own tails in a circle. it was about the same time the ig report came out. and, willie, the ig report, well, it was devastating to everything that donald trump has been saying for the past three years. his lie about barack obama, you know, crawling around trump tower like bugging his phone. a lie. the lie from the attorney general of the united states, just shocking, that fbi agents, quote, spied, spied on the president of the united states.
i know you took almost two years to come to these conclusions but i don t believe it and therefore i m running my parallel investigation with john durham. as president trump said last week, maybe anticipating the report wasn t going the way he hoped for, he said the big one to wait for is the durham report. but it s the narrative that they re trying to advance here is indelibly muddied by this ig report. you can t undo that. republicans who were inspect i suppose a political response here, political reaction, should know that they have failed the expectations game in a very similar way to how proponents of a theory of russian collusion failed the expectations gain of the mueller report. what mueller report alleged is serious and actionable by congress, attempted obstruction of justice. but it failed to meet the threshold of a conspiracy to work with a foreign outcome to affect a political outcome domestically. fisa warrant is a live issue. they said for a long time the
started the investigation or, you know, suggesting that carter page fisa warrants started the investigation were responsible for the investigation. i mean, that was blown out of the water yesterday. every conspiracy theory about how this began and how it was ideologicalal idealogically driven. as attorney general of the united states, barr and durham are trying to concoct a lie to the american people that might muddy up the waters and make people forget about this inspector general s report by a highly respected ig. but, you know what? barr obviously decided a long time ago yes. his job was to be roy cohen. we know what happened to roy cohen s reputation.
anyway, ken dilanian, let s move from impeachment to the ig report. i would say an explosive ig s report because it undercut three years of conspiracy theories that began when donald trump wrote that bizarre march, 2017, i think it was march, 2017, tweet saying that barack obama was crawling around in trump towers tapping his phones. yeah, it absolutely did that. it left a little bit for everybody, though, and it s complicated. but you re absolutely right. the first thing that it did was say that there was no political bias whatsoever that tainted this investigation. and it made clear what we already knew, which is that the surveillance of trump campaign adviser carter page had nothing to do with the opening of the investigation. nor did dthat christopher steel dossier. i m glad you played that clip of william barr talking about spying because they went into