so we ll talk about first the direct evidence. the direct evidence, and even the walker case affords this, a defendant s confession, a defendant s statement is direct evidence of his state of mind. this defendant s statements go a long way towards telling us what that was. i ve already mentioned his conversation to mr. noffke and the nonemergency call. but we go further than that. what other things has he said about this and i ll ask the clerk if i can have state s exhibit 210, please. healks about the first description is he thinks he s on drugs and he s suspicious because he s walking in the neighborhood. he also says that he would do nothing differently. and this is all part of god s plan. and i don t even need exhibit 210. i ll tell the court what it says. the first line of the first
elements of the law, criminal procedure t. constitutional rights, 4th and 5g9 amendment, things of that nature. did you almost do any kind of what i ll call mock trial sort of thing? not really, not in that course. we didn t have if time for it. again, it kind of falls in the elements of the crime and we could go through hypotheticals where, you know, we would ask the student certain questions regarding certain cases and things of that nature. you mentioned your coursebook for short. i m showing you just what s, that your coursebook titled criminal law procedure? yes. i m showing you what s in evidence now what has been marked as state s exhibit 210. is this a sort of subsection, a small section of this very big book? yes. okay. and that s the chapter
spell your last flame for us, in particular, tell us where you are, where you work, what you do? the spelling of my last name is krzenski. the administrative service manager for the police department. i oversee the police department and report directly to the deputy chief. by administration, does that include the records the department keeps and maintains? yes, sir. i have four technicians that report to me. okay. i m showing you state exhibit s 212. is this one of the type of documents you referenced kept by the sanford police department? yes, sir. and you have seen record like that before? yes, sir. and what is it? this is a sanford police department release form. when does a person fill out a form like that? when they request to ride along with a police officer. was in filled out by a
big book? yes. okay. that s the chapter specifically pertaining to what? self-defense. okay. and the second part of state s exhibit 210 is what? it s e-mail, homework assignment from george. it was the first homework assignment that i gave to all the students. and is that the rest of it actually additional homework assignments? yes. state exhibit 210 into evidence at this point. are you moving the book or the excerpt? just the excerpt in. okay. it will come in as composite exhibit 210. thank you, your honor. talk to me a little bit,
specifically pertaining to what? definitely defense. and the second part of state s exhibit 210 is what? it s e-mail, homework assignment from george. it was the first homework assignment that i gave to all the students. okay. and is that the rest of it actual additional homework aseen hims? yes. your honor, i want to interstate exhibit 210 into evidence. just the book or the excerpt? just the book. they ll come in as composite exhibit 210. thank you, your honor. talk to me a little bit, professor, about what kind of student you remember the defendant to be? you know, you always kind of