Session of the washington history seminar to order. I want to welcome everyone to this seminar subtitled historical perspectives on international and National Affairs this afternoon. We will be focusing on a new book by the princeton historian Laura Edwards titled only the clothes on her back clothing and the Hidden History of power in the 19th century United States published by oxford university, press in late, february and joining us this afternoon as discussions are martha jones of Johns Hopkins and Megan Sweeney of the university of michigan. Im eric arneson from the George Washington university cochair of the washington history seminar along with my colleague Christian Osterman of the Wilson Center who cannot be here today. The washington industry seminar is a collaborative nonpartisan venture of the woodrow Wilson Centers history and Public Policy program and the american Historical Associations National history center. And for over the past decade the seminar has been meeting we
The Hidden History of power in the 19th century United States published by oxford university, press in late, february and joining us this afternoon as discussions are martha jones of Johns Hopkins and Megan Sweeney of the university of michigan. Im eric arneson from the George Washington university cochair of the washington history seminar along with my colleague Christian Osterman of the Wilson Center who cannot be here today. The washington industry seminar is a collaborative nonpartisan venture of the woodrow Wilson Centers history and Public Policy program and the american Historical Associations National history center. And for over the past decade the seminar has bee been meeting wey and precovid times in person at the Wilson Center and since the pandemic well, here in the virtual realm behind the scenes two people make these seminars possible pete bierstecker of the Wilson Center and Rachel Wheatley of the National History center, and id like to thank institutional supporters th
This seminar subtitled historical perspectives on international and National Affairs this afternoon. We will be focusing on a new book by the princeton historian Laura Edwards titled only the clothes on her back clothing and the Hidden History of power in the 19th century United States published by oxford university, press in late, february and joining us this afternoon as discussions are martha jones of Johns Hopkins and Megan Sweeney of the university of michigan. Im eric arneson from the George Washington university cochair of the washington history seminar along with my colleague Christian Osterman of the Wilson Center who cannot be here today. The washington industry seminar is a collaborative nonpartisan venture of the woodrow Wilson Centers history and Public Policy program and the american Historical Associations National history center. And for over the past decade the seminar has been meeting weekly and precovid times in person at the Wilson Center and since the pandemic well
History seminar to order. I want to welcome everyone to this seminar subtitled historical perspectives on international and National Affairs this afternoon. We will be focusing on a new book by the princeton historian Laura Edwards titled only the clothes on her back clothing and the Hidden History of power in the 19th century United States published by oxford university, press in late, february and joining us this afternoon as discussions are martha jones of Johns Hopkins and Megan Sweeney of the university of michigan. Im eric arneson from the George Washington university cochair of the washington history seminar along with my colleague Christian Osterman of the Wilson Center who cannot be here today. The washington industry seminar is a collaborative nonpartisan venture of the woodrow Wilson Centers history and Public Policy program and the american Historical Associations National history center. And for over the past decade the seminar has been meeting weekly and precovid times in
[ theme ] this is the Stephanie Miller show and its not Stephanie Miller. 100 less stephanie. We have hal sparks. Hal i know it is amazing. Im so excited by the way to actually be able to speak before my theme song. It happens so rarely. We have the lovely and talented Jacki Schechner who is not going to be doing our news breaks but interjecting throughout the entire show. Cool. Hal elbowing us out of the way with facts and figures and a beautiful figure at that i might add. I was going to ask which hour i get to hump halibut apparently we get to hump him all three hours. Weve all been traveling. Tbone, we need some talc in here stat. Major chafing on the hump days with hal. Chris and jim will be with us. Chris will be scrolling through adult sites the entire show as normal. Get a load of that. Whoa hal now lets go to the news with Jacki Schechner. On that note. Good morning. Secretary of state clinton will testify today before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about the september