The speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 225. The nays are 184. With three answering present. The journal stands approved. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from nebraska seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the committee on Armed Services be discharged from further consideration of h. R. 3891, and ask for its immediate consideration by the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3897, a bill to amend title x United States code to provide for the issuance of the gold star installation access card to the surviving spouse, dependent children, and other next of kin of a member of the armed forces who dies while serving on certain activity or reserve duty to ensure that a remarried surviving spouse with dependent children of the deceased member remains eligible for installation of benefits to which the surviving spouse is previously eligible, and for other purposes. The speaker pr
Glad youre here and appearing before this committee today to discuss your departments fiscal 2018 budget request. As you know, the budget is significantly challenged in terms of the cuts in your department. I think the proposed cuts of 2. 3 billion are about onefifth of the departments operating level. Certainly while i appreciate and many of us appreciate the departments prioritizing limited resources and making decisions to realign programs, the fundamental question is really what you choose to cut and whether you can possibly look at that number and make an argument as to why that much of your previous budget should be cut this year. Its not the first time these kinds of cuts have come in the department. Last year president obama proposed about the same level of cuts, though he proposed somehow these programs would lean heavily on new mandatory spending for the budget caps in the law then. Of course, those budget caps are in the law still. Instead of making difficult decisions, it w
Glad youre here and appearing before this committee today to discuss your departments fiscal 2018 budget request. As you know, the budget is significantly challenged in terms of the cuts in your department. I think the proposed cuts of 2. 3 billion are about onefifth of the departments operating level. Certainly while i appreciate and many of us appreciate the departments prioritizing limited resources and making decisions to realign programs, the fundamental question is really what you choose to cut and whether you can possibly look at that number and make an argument as to why that much of your previous budget should be cut this year. Its not the first time these kinds of cuts have come in the department. Last year president obama proposed about the same level of cuts, though he proposed somehow these programs would lean heavily on new mandatory spending for the budget caps in the law then. Of course, those budget caps are in the law still. Instead of making difficult decisions, it w
I am a noncitizen. They are going to come for me and i might be lost. Amy and we will look at the new head of the fcc and republican efforts to kill Net Neutrality. All that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. President Trumps National security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned following revelations he spoke with the Russian Ambassador that u. S. Sanctions during a late december phone call. Flynn now says he misinformed Vice President mike pence and Top White House officials about contents of the call. The phone call was on december 29, the same day president obama imposed sanctions against russia and expel diplomats in retaliation for the alleged russian hacking of the u. S. Election. Lieutenant general flynn has claimed the phone call involved only small talk. But u. S. Officials who reviewed a transcript of a wiretap of the conversation say flynn discussed the sanctions a move that violates a 1799 us law, the
Building more oil pipelines, despite the political differences. Then as a growing number of people are arrested in immigration raids, we speak to two new york immigrant rights organizers who fear their days in the United States are numbered. I have a criminal record. I am a noncitizen. They are going to come for me and i might be lost. Amy and we will look at the new head of the fcc c and republican effortrts to kill net neutralit. All that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. President Trumps National security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned following revelations he spoke with the Russian Ambassador that u. S. Sanctions during a late december phone call. Flynn now says he misinformed Vice President mike pence and Top White House officials about contents of the call. The phone call was on december 29, the same day president obama imposed sanctions against russia and expel diplomats in retaliation for the alleged