India s leading stock exchange, NSE, post receipt of approval from SEBI, has launched the rupee denominated NYMEX WTI Crude Oil and Natural Gas futures contracts in its Commodity derivatives segment, on May 15, 2023.
Updated Feb 08, 2021 | 06:13 IST
The RBI has announced that it will provide a facility that will allow retail investors to open a gilt account for investing with the RBI Want to invest in government securities? All you need to know before investing 
New Delhi: The RBI has opened its doors to retail investors to buy and sell government securities directly from them. The RBI has announced that it will provide a facility that will allow retail investors to open a gilt account for investing with the RBI. The G-SEC market is a complex one depending on a lot of variables like macro-environment, interest rate, etc. But buying government Security has the biggest advantage of the safety of capital and return.