Italy’s constitutional court on Tuesday rejected a petition - signed by more than 1 million people - calling for a referendum to decriminalise euthanasia.
Right-to-die activists in Italy have secured over 750,000 signatures in a petition calling for a referendum to decriminalise euthanasia or assisted suicide.
Wednesday, 20 January 2021, 7:39 am
An in-depth analysis of media coverage of the euthanasia
and cannabis referendums has found that while both sides of
the euthanasia referendum were given reasonably fair and
balanced coverage, the YES position in the cannabis debate
received a heavily biased share of the media coverage during
the campaign period – especially from some particular
media outlets and journalists.
The analysis looked at
more than 400 New Zealand-based media articles and opinion
pieces as they appeared online during the cannabis and
euthanasia referendum campaign period between May and
October 2020. For the euthanasia
referendum, there were 123 (75 news items and 48 opinion
pieces) and for the cannabis
Press Release – Family First An in-depth analysis of media coverage of the euthanasia and cannabis referendums has found that while both sides of the euthanasia referendum were given reasonably fair and balanced coverage, the YES position in the cannabis debate received a heavily …
An in-depth analysis of media coverage of the euthanasia and cannabis referendums has found that while both sides of the euthanasia referendum were given reasonably fair and balanced coverage, the YES position in the cannabis debate received a heavily biased share of the media coverage during the campaign period – especially from some particular media outlets and journalists.