Us who gave you the idea of buses for homeless you know sort of being building buses and coaches for the last 5 or 6 years now and one day i walked into the yard and there was a 68 year old gentleman who was a close friend of mine who was actually sleeping rough under way you put your luggage in a coach now that broke my heart so literally that day we went out we brought him a bus to go back to the yard and kitted out where heaven his 3 kids his dogs lived and for 2 years now he had 3 dogs so he couldnt get into social housing and honestly seeing somebody like that who had given me a lot of help and support you know the logical thing was to help ford and make a difference you recently made big steps forward for buses youve got your site what do you to the buses do because the theyre all designed for a different job and yes so we were looking a really holistic approach alex so weve got a bus that eating sleeping learning and well being you know so we were slightly different to most nigh
April 1945 the 2nd world war in europe was drawing to an end in berlin. Germanys defeat was inevitable the fighting exceptionally fierce. The world was beginning to grasp the unprecedented scale of the conflict. More than 50000000 people lost their lives no warhead ever claimed so many casualties military and civilian. Soldiers of the victorious allied forces discovered the concentration camps. In germany american troops were so appalled by what they found they brought civilians from the surrounding area to see the horrors of the camps with their own eyes. Many germans claimed to have know nothing of what went on in the camps or the holocaust. At the post war nor back war crimes trials even some leading nazis proclaimed their ignorance when confronted with evidence of the atrocities. Would be to get a Bigger Company british prosecutor frederick l. When jones was among those who insisted this could not be the case he believed that there had been a virtual blueprint for the holocaust a g
Civilian. Soldiers of the victorious allied forces discovered the concentration camps. In germany american troops were so appalled by what they found they brought civilians from the surrounding area to see the horrors of the camps with their own eyes. Many germans claimed to have know nothing of what went on in the camps or the holocaust. At the post war nor back war crimes trials even some leading nazis proclaimed their ignorance when confronted with evidence of the atrocities. Committed to get rid of. British prosecutor frederick l. When jones was among those who insisted this could not be the case he believed that there had been a virtual blueprint for the holocaust a good finding out. But not take it all stick but ill take. The pot. This is the story behind one of the best selling political manifestos of all time. Its. Sick. In november 918 millions of german soldiers were returning home after the end of the 1st world war among them was a man who refused to accept germanys defeat a
To. Pay for a 1945 the 2nd world war in europe was drawing to an end in berlin. Germanys defeat was inevitable the fighting exceptionally fierce. The world was beginning to grasp the unprecedented scale of the conflict. More than 50000000 people lost their lives no warhead ever claimed so many casualties military and civilian. Soldiers of the victorious allied forces discovered the concentration camps. In germany american troops were so appalled by what they found they brought civilians from the surrounding area to see the horrors of the camps with their own eyes. Many germans claimed to have know nothing of what went on in the camps or the holocaust. At the post war nor bad war crimes trials even some leading nazis proclaimed their ignorance when confronted with evidence of the atrocities. Committed with you to get rid of. British prosecutor frederick l. When jones was among those who insisted this could not be the case he believed that there had been a virtual blueprint for the holoc
They yelled at him to get up. When he tried and they realized he could not they waited a few minutes then went to talk to him. Them a call the trainers over and he went back to practice. That is when i went to practice with trainers helping them off the field when he collapsed. Not sure what was told to you as far as him telling the coach the two coaches were aware he had a headache and took no precautions to ensure his safety. My thoughts are with the shealy family since august 2011. Were it not for the courage of brendan henderson, dereks teammate and author of the anonymous email we never would have learned what happened to our son. We still dont know everything that happened. We did learn derek went for medical aid at least four times over three days, four times and was told to get back onto the field every time. So dereks death was preventable. Preventable. In just six days, that preseason football practice, derek suffered so much brain trauma but he died. My beautiful, smart, 22y