remarkable. hearing now there may be voices coming out of the wreckage and survivors giving some of these families hope this their loved one, at least some of them may be alive. again for us, do we know how many people have been recovered at this point by authorities and taken away? so far they have recovered around 100 bodies that are all being taken to the hospital and the morgue. but, yeah, these are the only reports coming out so far. this sounds like this aircraft essentially crashed in one piece then. it wasn t spread over a very large piece of land then? no. so far what we re hearing, again, is that the airplane split into two parts. so, the wreckage is quite i mean the diameter of the wreckage shouldn t be too big. all right. we appreciate joining us this morning and bringing us the latest from hasna where
no, not at all. that s not unusual for an air bus to be used that wait a minute remember, annual air bus is a medium to long range airliner. it s used in service everywhere. in uranium, in the united states. we certainly have quite a few of them here. very good aircraft it s been very reliable. it is one of those aircraft that s what s called a fly by wire. it take its a lot of the decision-making away from pilots and puts it into the mechanics of the aircraft. yet, we know from reports that the pilot had radioed the ground asking for, perhaps, a change in route, trying to perhaps land in cairo. what does that tell you? especially it s 23 minutes after takeoff? it means he saw something going wrong. we don t know what it is though. the fact that he didn t say it was a may day or at least not reporting that yet. right. the fact that what was that technical difficulty? he would have been more specific about that because, what i pilot s to do right off the bat when he sees some
making that call. any one of those scenarios stopped the pilot from communicating or communication systems wiped out. how does that happen? that s unusual. what information will be gleaned from the black box? first thing is that the aircraft breakout in flight or break up when it hit the ground? that s important consideration. because if it broke up in flight. that is an extremely unusual situation and could only be caused by something catastrophic sharm he will sheikh i have flop that route a thousands times. they said there was thunderstorm activity in the area. that impact on the ground if that aircraft did a spiral dissent there would be quite a bit of debris. here is the area where we are looking at where this
if part of the airplane came off, that changes the picture. if they there was a fire on board the aircraft, and, again, there could have been some security issue here. i mean, there is no indication of that. but they will know very clearly about that almost immediately. my thought is with the passengers and what they were going through. would they have had any idea when this was going hun. was it happening too fast or too early to tell. sway o. way too early to tell. they were on vacation to sharm he sharm mel sheikh. if it s a rapid decompression, you kill
seeing in this crash so far again from the preliminary reports, we are talking about a rate that would have actually started to destroy the aircraft. county airplane handle that rate of dissent. it can t. it could be nefarious acts of a bomb on board. aircraft. hijacking or some major malfunction on aircraft has caused total failure. it wouldn t have been to your mind. so russian authorities are saying because of the aircraft missile it could have been 3-6r7b8g9s 1,000 feet missile have certainly taken down aircraft. we have had had the aircraft over the ukraine flight 17 that went down. what altitude was that. 3 is 1,000 feed. the same altitude as this one. those missiles don t actually pierce the aircraft. they explode outside the aircraft.