but that s something like that probably is what caused this. when you think of a massive jetliner like this though with hundreds of people on b think that when one system fails, another one takes its place how good is the technology. the atlantic nothing on the airplane is the best make. advanced airplane in the world. there is backup systems all over the place. again, remember, these are made by humans, maintained by humans and flown by humans. mistakes can be made and machinery does break from time to time. there has been a long string of accidents in russian aviation you normally associate them with russian-made aircraft. this is a european made aircraft. english and french wooted air bus company be involved in the maintenance of the aircraft? absolutely.
wouldn t have been intact. had the engine been intact they might have been able to come in for softer landing. what do you make of her reporting that it sounds like it broke into? what would have caused that? breaking in two tells me it might have been under some kind of control before it impacted the earth. if this aircraft dropped 31,000 feet at the rate we are being told it initially started down. it would be in piece. it would be shattered. by the time it hit the ground? very similar to what we saw in the germanwings crash tiny pieces and we couldn t find anything larger than a soapbox. but here you have a report at least that it is in two pieces and they already have 100 bodies. tells you that there was some slowing of this aircraft as it impacted the earth. according to the russian state owned television station there this air bus was on its suspectth flight of the week does that say anything to you? does that sound like a lot? does that sound like a little? does that matte
the crash happened. what exactly did happen? what do we know. joining us is pilot and aviation attorney sal there is precedent from people surviving a drop from altitude. how could a person survive a drop from 31,000 feet? they couldn t at least at some point they regained control of the aircraft and pancaked it into where the landing site was. it is not unusual, especially early in the stages of an investigation to have a lot of information that is just not accurate. right. what we are hearing now there might be voices inside. you know, you get something that s transmitted 14 different times in 14 different people it s going to change. i am wondering how real the veracity of those kind of reports are. especially hearing this broke in to as f. that s the case you said something catastrophic might must have happened for aircraft to plummet that quickly it
falls on his face next book. everybody is going to be running away from him. that s true, the money sings to be moving toward rubio. we learned a big republican funder decided to back marco rubio. i think it s interesting to see that i think things can change. think about howard dean years ago too. everybody said he is it he had one moment of screaming and that was it it he was dropped like a dead weight. you have to think things can change so quickly right now. people love certain candidates. the trump support that is there for trump is strong. the other can candidates, it s soft. i like this one, i think i m going to go for him, i m not sure. anything can happen. it f. trump was a sitting senator this wouldn t be a contest. he has already got it. it must drive him crazy. great to he so you this morning. great goode to see you. thank you so much. the search for survivors in egypt continues after that plane crashed with more than 200 people on board. registered in sigh beer
that happened. the pilot radioed back that he wanted to come back. that was the case and that something happened with the airplane. yeah, this is something that i have rare to happen. we will know somethinged in the next 12 hours. we will know something about this in the next three days. the pilot would have been cleared for takeoff, what do we know about the conditions, the weather conditions can on the ground when the pilot took off and also went when it went down. i see no indication of bad weather there that doesn t mean anything. i have seen no indication i have seen any of that in the news stories. ened t. indicates if it was falling or descending at 6,000 feet per minute. that airplane was literally falling out of the sky for some reason. there is other things. they will look at the debris field and find out very closely how out airplane hit. you just said that it s very rare for an aircraft to fall out of the sky at or