should treasures grabbed by european colonisers be returned to their countries of origin? well, my guest is the director of the humboldt forum, hartmut dorgerloh. is germany right now the leader in the restitution movement? hartmut dorgerloh, welcome to hardtalk. hello. it s a great pleasure to be in this amazing museum. i think it s fair to say this is perhaps the most ambitious cultural project launched since the unification of germany. what is the. the motivating idea behind it? yes, it s the most prominent cultural project since the reunification in germany, and it is a debate also about the new heart of the new capital of reunified germany. so it was in the beginning more a discussion about the architecture, about urban development, what to do with the site where originally, for centuries, the main residence of the hohenzollern monarchy. a prussian palace was here. yes, a prussian palace. and after the second world war, when it was torn down, heavily damaged in the war b
to their countries of origin? well, my guest is the director of the humboldt forum, hartmut dorgerloh. is germany right now the leader in the restitution movement? hartmut dorgerloh, welcome to hardtalk. hello. it s a great pleasure to be in this amazing museum. i think it s fair to say this is perhaps the most ambitious cultural project launched since the unification of germany. what is the. the motivating idea behind it? yes, it s the most prominent cultural project since the reunification in germany, and it is a debate also about the new heart of the new capital of reunified germany. so it was in the beginning more a discussion about the architecture, about urban development, what to do with the site where originally, for centuries, the main residence of the hohenzollern monarchy. a prussian palace was here. yes, a prussian palace. and after the second world war, when it was torn down, heavily damaged in the war by the communist regime, it was replaced in the 19705 by the
than only the east or the western part of the city. and then i think we ve been in a phase where europe became more and more important. i mean the west as well as eastern europe. and perhaps it was also part of unification, bringing the special relationships to west or east germany. to west and eastern europe together. and now i think we are in a phase where we are much more contributing to global issues. yeah. and what s interesting about the humboldt forum is that your main collection is focused on ethnological research and study and collection. and there are thousands and thousands of artefacts and objects here from all over the world, many of them collected by european colonialists. now, is it time for you in this institution to recognise in the 21st century there is something deeply troubling
necessary after reunification, and as a person who was born in berlin, i could experience in my home city, so to understand that s much larger than only the east or the western part of the city. and then i think we ve been in a phase where europe became more and more important. i mean the west as well as eastern europe. and perhaps it was also part of unification, bringing the special relationships to west or east germany. to west and eastern europe together. and now i think we are in a phase where we are much more contributing to global issues. yeah. and what s interesting about the humboldt forum is that your main collection is focused on ethnological research and study and collection. and there are thousands and thousands of artefacts and objects here from all over the world, many of them collected by european colonialists. now, is it time for you in this