"The first Santa Cruz city landmarks list was compiled in 1950 by the Chamber of Commerce, citing 20 buildings that had promotional appeal in drawing tourists to Santa Cruz County," writes columnist Ross Eric Gibson. "Elsewhere development pressures were sweeping away buildings, neighborhoods and farms to favor freeways, urban renewal, slum clearance and suburban sprawl."
"In the 1930s and 1940s, local surfers had trouble staying in the ocean for more than a half-hour, due to the frigid Alaskan Current turning their skin blue and rubbery," writes columnist Ross Eric Gibson. "They resorted to second-hand sweaters, sometimes treated with oil (a nerdy look for surfers), but they preferred 1890s wool bathing suits, which were 15ยข each at Goodwill. Then in 1959, Jack O'Neill opened his Cowell Beach surf shop where Dream Inn now stands."