The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2001 was awarded jointly to George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz "for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information"
have to pay $360,000 in estate taxes. strangers rather than partners for decades, it s simply unacceptable. so edie took her case to the supreme court and she won t, before edie passed away, she fell in love again at age 87, finally experience the joy and dignity of legally recognized marriage to judith, judith is here today with us. judith, are you up there? also here today are many of the 16 plaintiffs that help bring us here. they were subjected to intense public scrutiny and harassment, physical threats of violence, for years, as the case is made their way through the courts. jim couldn t be here today, but he and i spoke on that day, in june 2015, when he was on the
in estate taxes. strangers rather than partners for four decades. simply unconscionable and unacceptable. edie took her case to the supreme court and she won. before edie passed away she fell in love again at age 87. finally experienced the joy and dignity of legally recognized marriage to judith. judith is here with us. judith, are you up there? also, the othehere today, many the 16 plaintiffs in the case subject to intense public scrutiny and harassment. physical threats and violence. for years, their case made their way through the courts. jim couldn t be here that day, he and i spoke june 2015 when he was on the steps of the united
Once the headache of the wealthy, the estate tax (also known as thedeath tax) now reaches well into middle-class America. The taxreduces incentives to save and invest and, therefore, hampersgrowth. It also unfairly hits owners of small businesses, familyfarms, and savers who amass wealth through hard work and thrift.The Economic Growth And Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 wasthe first step toward eliminating the death tax. Unfortunately, itsprovisions sunset in 2011. Congress should make estate tax repealpermanent.