Anam Zakaria on FemiList 100
March 11, 2021
LAHORE: Anam Zakaria, an oral historian from Lahore and author of three books, is on the FemiList 100, 2021.
The women on this list come from different parts of the world and #ChooseToChallenge the norm through their hard work.
Her books are 1971: A People s History from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India (2019), Between the Great Divide: A Journey into Pakistan-administered Kashmir (2018) and The Footprints of Partition: Narratives of Four Generations of
Pakistanis and Indians (2015), which won her the 2017 KLF-German Peace Prize.
The Gender Security Project which highlights practice, policy and approaches in the global south within the ambit of women, peace and security agenda had received 117 nominations and a pair of peer reviewers went through the nominations to build the list. These women are working in the fields of foreign policy, peace building, law, activism, and development. Anum Zakaria is daughter of Eruj Zakaria,