It was an incredible season in girls indoor track. Billerica claimed the Division 3 state championship title, while Lowell's Ronnie Jones captured the New England championship in the shot put.
Rapper Big Daddy Kane once said the now iconic line, “pimpin’ ain’t easy,” although if you look into how Texas A&M handles dining operations on campus, you might disagree.
Over the 13 days of the event, ANEW Place s 2nd Annual Celebration of Trees fundraiser, welcomed over 500 people into the colorful space at the University Mall to look at the 34 beautifully decorated trees and purchase raffle tickets that would in turn by them a chance to win the tree, the decorations and the gifts associated with each of the trees. Through cash sponsorship and ticket sales, the event raised over $57,000 help continue to support the agency s efforts of serving adults experiencing homelessness in Burlington. Each tree was donated by a company, a church or even a community