Troop 82 for Girls was founded in February 2019 with Zumbro Lutheran Church as the charter organization. Tayla Gurtner is the first female Eagle Scout in the troop.
ROCHESTER, Minn.-In the afternoon of January sixth, Gamehaven Council Boy Scouts of America Troop 82 gathered in the basement of the Zumbro Lutheran Church.
Roca Climbing & Fitness is sending three climbers to the USA Climbing Youth National Championships
This marks the first time that Roca Climbing & Fitness is sending more than one climber to the Youth National Championships.
Posted: Jul 2, 2021 10:49 PM
Posted By: Mary Peters
ROCHESTER, Minn. - Roca Climbing & Fitness is sending three youth climbers to the USA Climbing Youth National Championship. It s exciting because the past years I ve made it once to boulder and once to rope climbing nationals. This is the first year that more people have made it. Now we have the trio going and it s going to be super exciting. We trained a lot to get here and it finally paid off, says Erik Cmiel.