Earlier, the Sensex started the day sharply higher at 59,050.67 points and surged to a high of 59,321.65 points in the early morning trade. The Sensex had lost 310.71 points or 0.53 % on Thursday.
Punch Newspapers
Johnson Okafor
Equity trading on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange on Wednesday closed on the positive note with a gain of N214bn as the bulls sustained grip on trading activities.
The market performance indices, the NSE ASI appreciated by 1.03 per cent with market breathe closing positive with 23 gainers against 19 losers.
Consequently, the All-Share Index gained 402.14 basis points or 1.03 per cent to close at 39,512.31 as against 39,110.17 recorded the previous day while the market capitalisation of equities appreciated by N214bn to close at N20.66tn from N20.45tn as market sentiment remained on the green zone.