The Falkland Islands, FIG, Environmental Studies Budget provides annual funding to support individuals and organizations in the Falkland Islands to conduct activities and research which benefit and enhance our natural environment.
Community and stability are at the heart of the Falkland Islands Government Budget for 2023/24. The Budget recognises these two themes are essential with the global cost of living crisis and in the global recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following the adoption of the Falkland Islands Environment Strategy 2021 – 2040 by the Executive Council in late 2021, there has been much work across government towards achieving the Vision of the Strategy. The first progress report for 2022 has been released and is available on the FIG Environment Department website.
A Falklands Conservation project has identified the Falklands Islands’ inshore waters as globally recognized Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) for breeding seabirds, driving forward their aim for quality marine management practices in the Islands.
A Falklands Conservation project has identified the Falklands Islands’ inshore waters as globally recognized Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) for breeding seabirds, driving forward their aim for quality marine management practices in the Islands.