If you haven't already, please study our Bootstrapping Course and Investor Introductions page. We've discussed Bootstrapping Using Services extensively over the
If you haven't already, please study our Bootstrapping Course and Investor Introductions page. We've shared many Bootstrapping Using Services case studies with
If you haven't already, please study our Bootstrapping Course and Investor Introductions page. Jason has built a disciplined, profitable business and scaled it to $40 million in 2017 revenue. The company was first bootstrapped using services, and later raised ~$20 million in funding. Sramana Mitra: Let's start at the very beginning of your journey. Where are you from? Where were you born, raised, and in what kind of background? Jason VandeBoom: I was born and raised in a small town in Wisconsin about an hour out of Milwaukee, and started in technology from a consulting side of things at a very early age. Around 13 or so, I started taking on small projects. I was always interested in engineering and design. That ultimately led me to go to art school. I chose a school in Chicago for art school. That's what brought me to Chicago. Sramana Mitra: Your background is more of a designer background. Jason VandeBoom: Yes. I've been into engineering as well. The initial pr
Sramana Mitra: Language models have evolved a lot. Arvind Jain: There is that vision for the future. The nature of knowledge work is going to change. We are
Sramana Mitra: I'm going to ask you this question, computer scientist to computer scientist. Really great work in search is a matter of great algorithms.