Sensex and Nifty staged a stellar recovery on Tuesday to end over 2 per cent higher amid positive cues in the global equity markets. Sensex zoomed 1,276.66 points or 2.25 per cent to end at 58,065.47. During the session, the index zoomed 1,311.13 points to 58,099.94. Nifty climbed 386.95 points or 2.29 per cent to end at 17,274.30.
Sensex fell 188 points to end at 56,409. During the day, the index rose 568 points to 57,166. For a majority of session, Sensex traded in the green today.
Sensex declined 337.06 points to settle at 59,119.72. During the day, it tanked 624 points to 58,832.78. Nifty lost 88.55 points to close at 17,629.80.
Sensex closed 578 points higher at 59,719 and Nifty climbed 194 points to end at 17,816. Sun Pharma, IndusInd Bank, Dr Reddy's and Tata Steel were the top Sensex gainers, rising up to 4.71 per cent.