All of these have long titles to softn the blow if you look at what they are doing that is the ee sen shale thing. Prohibits entry of any immigrant likely to be eligible for any type of Public Benefits, they are not defined in the order and so that could mean anything, any kind of public benefit, and we have many here in San Francisco. And it allows for deportation of visa holders these are legal presence in the u. S. , and requires sponsors of the immigrants to reimburse the government for any benefits that have been used so there are currently about, 3520 residents from the seven muslim countries that were affected by the travel ban but this has been far more has had far more impact as we saw recently at sfo and airports across the country, whether you are a citizen, have a green card or visa, and you are undocumented this is affected everybody. There are 26,000 visa holders and talking about the impact on the workforce as well, the unsigned order could effect about 3500 to 5,000 dac
Ground Water Operations until 1949. And in or december 13th, 2006, our commission declared the property surplus to our utility needs. And in attempting to sell the property, we worked again with City Real Estate which issued a request to proposal foz commercial real estate brokerrage, and City Real Estate selected caulers because it complied and it had the lower rate of 2. 75 percent, the budget Analyst Report had a little discrepancy. Beginning in on february 25, of 2016, we complied with the california Surplus Property statute and the ordinance by issuing notices to all public agencies and nonprofit housing groups that required notice. We received no letters of interest from any housing sponsors or public entities. This conveyance conforms with the citys general plan. On november 16th, the Planning Department found the sale of the property consistent with the eight priority policies of the planning code. Our bureau of Environmental Management determined that the sale of the property
Ground Water Operations until 1949. And in or december 13th, 2006, our commission declared the property surplus to our utility needs. And in attempting to sell the property, we worked again with City Real Estate which issued a request to proposal foz commercial real estate brokerrage, and City Real Estate selected caulers because it complied and it had the lower rate of 2. 75 percent, the budget Analyst Report had a little discrepancy. Beginning in on february 25, of 2016, we complied with the california Surplus Property statute and the ordinance by issuing notices to all public agencies and nonprofit housing groups that required notice. We received no letters of interest from any housing sponsors or public entities. This conveyance conforms with the citys general plan. On november 16th, the Planning Department found the sale of the property consistent with the eight priority policies of the planning code. Our bureau of Environmental Management determined that the sale of the property
Will appear on the board of supervisors agenda, unless otherwise stated. We will not be having a board of supervisors meeting next tuesday do you to the holiday. Madam clerk, item one . Item one,resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a purchase and Sale Agreement with the city of Pleasanton Pleasanton , for the conveyance by the city and county of San Francisco, acting through the San Francisco Public Utilities commission sfpuc , to the city of pleasanton, consisting of approximately 3. 18 acres of Real Property located at 401 and 403 old bernal avenue, pleasanton, california for 4,200,000; adopting findings under the California Environmental quality act; adopting findings that the conveyance is consistent with the general plan, and the eight priority policies of planning code, section 101. 1; and authorizing the director of property and or the sfpucs general manager to execute documents, make certain modifications, and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolut
Are not watching video or emailing, if you are not doing is more it effective and costefficient. We are talking about the old Voice Network. How do we move from the cost benefits of the Service Benefits by thinking about how things have to change . Another thing going on that we have not talked about. We talked about the supply side and how people provide it. In the wayhanges users arent using the network. Not the services but what people want. Place inte is taking europe. They have a set of universal Service Obligations that still includes phonebooks. A lot of us today say we cannot remember the last time we looked at a phone book. That information is obsolete. Online is more efficient. Another thing that is part of their universal Service Obligation as payphones. In the world of ubiquitous cell phones you cannot find a pay phone on most streetcorners anymore. They are not useful because of the way people are using the network. One of the pivotal questions is we used to think about vo