Two big facelifts coming this year for the Dahl Drive area.
Construction season is here! The area around Dahl Drive will be the site of continued activity through the spring, summer, and fall months as crews work on updating the water system. And, great news, the roadway will also see updates! On April 13, Whitecourt Town Council approved the final phase of the Water System Upgrades Project. Split up into three steps; the project will see the water system significantly updated.
The first phase is what the public can currently see along Dahl Drive. “This project is going to see a dedicated feed line extend from our pump house, the orange building new Highway 43, up to the hilltop reservoir, which is near the Eastlink ski hill, “explained Juan Grande, Engineering Services Coordinator for the Town of Whitecourt. In an emergency, such as a power outage in the valley, the hilltop area would still have water in the reservoir to help keep uptown residents flowing. “That