WHEELING As fun as the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan is for participants to run, event organizers say it’s just as fun to pu
WHEELING As fun as the Tough as Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan is for participants to run, event organizers say it’s just as fun to pu
WHEELING As fun as the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan is for participants to run, event organizers say it’s just as fun to put together. New wrinkles will join old reliable obstacles once again this year when the event the marquee happening on the second day of the […]
The Friends of Wheeling, in partnership with Boy Scout Troop 6, Stone Church VFD, and Engineered Foundation Solutions, will meet from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday for a work session at Stone Church Cemetery. Friends of Wheeling Board member Peggy Niebergall, as well as AmeriCorps member Sharon David, will head up the work day. “This will […]
WHEELING In growing the Tough as Nails Urban Challenge presented by the Health Plan, event organizers keep two missions at the top of the list: Devise new o