University of Maryland Senior Named 2021 Gates Cambridge Scholar
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University of Maryland senior Veeraj Shah was awarded a 2021 Gates Cambridge Scholarship, which he plans to use toward a Ph.D. in public health and primary care at the University of Cambridge. Shah will graduate this May from UMD with dual degrees in biological sciences with a specialization in neurobiology and physiology and individual studies majoring in health policy and technology. Following his Ph.D., Shah plans to earn his M.D. at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.
Veeraj Shah, 2021 Gates Cambridge Scholar from the University of Maryland
Vice Adm. Dr. Jerome Adams, Surgeon General speaks during a press briefing on Zoom Tuesday.
The healthcare and business communities live in parallel and only occasionally intersect with each other, but this is a dynamic that s changing in large part because of an important realization: Healthy communities create conditions for economic prosperity and a thriving economy.
This ethos is supported by a new Surgeon General s report entitled Community Health and Economic Prosperity: Engaging Businesses as Stewards and Stakeholders, which explores the relationship that healthcare and business must foster to create favorable health and economic conditions in the U.S.