So we welcome you back to the committee. Its good to have discussion with you last week. I want to thank you really want to thank you for all youve done at the department, for your willingness to serve to this point, and for your willingness to step up in this new and higher capacity. Weve got our colleagues here this morning to introduce the deputy secretary, both texas and louisiana are well represented. Mr. Deputy secretary, you should feel very welcome by having these gentlemen next to you. So we will start with senator cassidy up here at the dais followed by senators cruz and kennedy to introduce the deputy secretary this morning. So senator cassidy, if you would like to proceed. We do have a full complement here this morning and a full house behind you. Hopefully the introductions do not consume our full morning, but we certainly welcome all the good comments. So senator cassidy. Madam chair, what a wonderful way to tell me to be brief. But its a privilege to represent my fellow
The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 1420 to amend the independent energy act to promote Energy Efficiency via information and computing tech nollings and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois, mr. Rush and the gentleman from michigan, mr. Upton, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois. Mr. Rush i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on h. R. 1420. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Rush mr. Speaker, i yield myself as much time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from illinois is recognized. Mr. Rush mr. Speaker, i want to thank my friends and colleagues on the energy and Commerce Committee, ms. Eshoo of the great state of california, mr. Kinzinger of my home state of illinois, for working in a bipartisan manner to bring h. R. 1420, the
Middle east highlighting the conflict between israel and paul stein palestine. This is from the annual Aspen Security Forum in colorado. The region. This is from aspens security forum. We have a wonderful panel and today we are going to discuss the middle east in 38 minutes and 55 seconds. We will take your questions. I want to start with the former foreign minister. At the dinner last night. Jane hartman hosted a dinner and there was a disturbingly excellent magic show put on by the former acting director of the cia, john mclachlan. And jane got good at saying tagger abracadabra. I think the bitter thing john was saying, getting back to the theme that underlies all of these sessions, is really anyone who watched the magic show last night is wondering, how the heck did he do that . And it is the metaphor that we know it alls do not know it all. But for part of the coalition the National Ways is greater israel is about the lands not democracy. I know it is unknown where we are heading.
Growing influence in the region. This is from aspens security forum. We have a wonderful panel and today we are going to discuss the middle east in 38 minutes and 55 seconds. We will take your questions. I want to start with the former foreign minister. At the dinner last night. Jane hartman hosted a dinner and there was a disturbingly excellent magic show put on by the former acting director of the cia, john mclachlan. And jane got good at saying tagger abracadabra. I think the bitter thing john was saying, getting back to the theme that underlies all of these sessions, is really anyone who watched the magic show last night is wondering, how the heck did he do that . And it is the metaphor that we know it alls do not know it all. We also thought the government some lessons about checks and balances and that there are some limitations to power uh but this is the substance if you were a neighbor of israel in the region and its clear that israel is the superpower in the region. Would you
Chinas growing influence in the region. This is from aspens security forum. We have a wonderful panel and today we are going to discuss the middle east in 38 minutes and 55 seconds. We will take your questions. I want to start with the former foreign minister. At the dinner last night. Jane hartman hosted a dinner and there was a disturbingly excellent magic show put on by the former acting director of the cia, john mclachlan. And jane got good at saying tagger abracadabra. I think the bitter thing john was saying, getting back to the theme that underlies all of these sessions, is really anyone who watched the magic show last night is wondering, how the heck did he do that . And it is the metaphor that we know it alls do not know it all. We also thought the government some lessons about checks and balances and that there are some limitations to power uh but this is the substance if you were a neighbor of israel in the region and its clear that israel is the superpower in the region. Wo