A medical board in Tihar Jail has prescribed low-dose insulin twice a day for Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for the next five days, following a spike in his sugar levels. The board, set up on a city court s direction, includes specialists from AIIMS. Kejriwal s health is being closely monitored, and he is also receiving home-cooked food and other prescribed medicines. The AAP had earlier alleged a conspiracy to harm Kejriwal by denying him insulin and other essential medications.
Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine are hopeful new research could prevent up to 130,000 unneeded fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies of thyroid nodules and subsequent surgeries each year in the United States by better understanding the genetic risk associated with thyroid cancer.
A medical professional discusses the process of diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, including challenges that emerge during screening and considerations for improving the pathway.
A Johns Hopkins Children's Center study of children and youth with diabetes concludes that so-called autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) diabetic eye exams significantly increase completion rates of screenings designed to prevent potentially blinding diabetes eye diseases (DED).