Ingraham anglE from Washington Tonight. This is a fox nEws alErt. Laura good EvEning,EE EvEryonE, this is lowEr incomE from Washington Tonight and now officially chargEd with attEmptEd assassination of formEr PrEsidEnt Trump. MorE dEtails and momEnts first zElEnskyy, that sarah got, thatn is thE focus of tonightsEr anglEEn. I thought dEmocrats wErE against ElEctionEEring intErfErEncE by forEign govErnmEnts and forEignun lEadErs. What would you all yEstErday spEnt trip with Ay BattlEground StatE of pEnnsylvania. ZElEnskyy is in E u. S. For thE u. S. GEnEral assEmbly but took a dEtour to JoE BidEns Town Ofsh Scranton HapE was EscortEd by PEnnsylvania GovErnor Josh Fac Shapiro Visit to ammunitionE factory. WnianE arE blEssEd to havE so many ukrainians living hErE in FthE CommonwEalth of pEnnsylvant coach of thE sEcond largEst numbEr in thE EntirE unitEd statEs of amErica wE fElt a spEcial kinship to thEm and all of you in your work to dEfEnd ukrainE, wE stand with you. Laura and ZElEnskyy
somber music [reporter 1] 20 year old swimming Star Brock Turner [reporter 2] the 19 year old former high school allamerican swimmer [reporter 3] the star swimmer at Stanford University [reporter 4] contender for the olympics [reporter 5] raping an unconscious woman [reporter 6] intoxicated and unconscious woman [reporter 7] passed out behind a dumpster [reporter 8] drunk behind a Stanford Dumpster somber music [chanel miller] your honor, if it is all right, i would like to address the defendant directly. You dont know me, but youve been inside me and thats why were here today. The victim made headlines by Releasing A Heart Wrenching letter detailing the rape and its aftermath. [reporter] its gotten over 15 million views on buzzfeed alone. You dont know me, but youve been inside me. And thats why were here today. I was found unconscious with my hair disheveled, long necklace wrapped around my neck. My bare skin and head had been rubbing against the ground behind a dumpster while an ere
Long-term tips come from quality optimization. But even with all your effort, you may not get the outcome you were hoping for. There are hundreds of ranking criteria, many of which Google withholds, and o
i want to just be 100% transparent and share that when i heard about rob turne sentencing i was outraged. because i knew that, you know, or at least a believed that ha he been a black man or a man o color and had the survivor bee a white women, the sentencin probably would have looked ver different. at the same time, as a survivo of childhood sexual abuse as well as rape and in college, i know that incarceration isn going to stop rape and it is not necessarily goin to make me safe so i, for me i was holding the bold end o recognizing that it didn t fee like a fair sentencing, even though i am not in favor o course role responses to sexua any form of harm but i also empathized with everybody who was enraged abou his sentencing
Long-term tips come from quality optimization. But even with all your effort, you may not get the outcome you were hoping for. There are hundreds of ranking criteria, many of which Google withholds, and o