Several potted plants that were placed around Bharat Mandapam at Pragati Maidan in Delhi for the G20 Summit have started disappearing. The Public Works Department (PWD) had placed over 1.6 lakh flowering and green potted plants to beautify the city, but many of them have dried up due to lack of maintenance. The PWD has taken back half of the pots to avoid theft and plans to hire private contractors for the remaining ones.
Dr. T.S. Kler is a heart specialist who treats all aspects of coronary heart diseases which includes analysis, pharmacological and interventional remedy with coronary angioplasty and stents.
The closure of two roads - Chirag Delhi flyover and a section of the Delhi-Jaipur Highway (NH-48) between Rangpuri and Rajokari - for repair and construction work resulted in traffic snarls in the national capital on the third consecutive day .