Philly school board unanimously rejects five new charter schools Maddie Hanna, Kristen A. Graham, The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Philadelphia school board unanimously denied five new charter schools Thursday night, continuing its streak of rejecting proposals that would expand the city’s sizable charter sector.
District officials cited flaws in all the proposals, which would have created more than 4,000 openings in new charters, and transferred millions of dollars from the district to the independently run schools.
“We are focused on high-quality education for all students across the city,” board member Mallory Fix Lopez said after the meeting. “When you have applications that just have glaring holes in them, it just doesn’t seem to match high standards” that the board expects, she said.
Five new charter school applications were denied by the Philadelphia Board of Education on March 4, 2021. (Jessica Kourkounis for WHYY)
This article originally appeared on Chalkbeat Philadelphia.
With barely any comment, the Philadelphia Board of Education unanimously denied five new charter school applications Thursday after hearing scathing critiques of all of them from the district’s reviewers.
Christina Grant, head of the district’s charter school office, described all of the applications as deficient either in their planned academic program, operations, finances, or evidence of community support sometimes in all four areas. The office doesn’t directly recommend denial or approval, but these evaluations had few positive things to say.