Solidarity has disputed the constitutionality of the Amendment Bill on Employment Equity in court papers, where it urged that the law is contrary to international labour conventions and where it accused government of being in contempt of the conventions. The trade union announced on Wednesday that it has served summons on President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Department of Employment and Labour, Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi, the Director-General of Employment and Labour Thobile Lamati, as well as the Employment Equity Commission.
The Employment Equity Commission (EEC) has blamed its failure to release any equity reports since 2020 on Covid-19 and a South Africa company that allegedly ‘ran away’ with.
The new Employment Equity Amendment Act rings in big changes for businesses . Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr's employment law practice answers the key questions.
The new measures will promote diversity and equality in the workplace and require enterprises to develop transformation plans, while compelling labour inspectors to inspect workplaces and to issue employers with compliance orders.