example, which is shortly after alameda county to a private security in 2004 there was a doctor that was murdered. this is with the private security when they first got there. the family sued, and they sued the city, and they won against the city. in 2007, the contract to begin to the private security company, which is supposedly the model they are using. in private security, the average turnover rate is between 100% and 300%. if there s a situation and this actually happens where you had a shooting in the bayview [bell rings] can i finish? supervisor chu: wrap up quickly. if you have a shooting in the bayview, and the friends and family come to the hospital and there is in retaliation shooting in the still more, and the friends and family come there, and a fight ensued, you need someone who can deal with that situation, and private security will not be able to. thank you. supervisor chu: thank you. next speaker please. i am and nurse at the behavioral health cent