Police, prosecutors, judges, jailers and local media played a part in aiding mobs who lynched five Black men in Anne Arundel County, historians told a state panel convening in Annapolis on Saturday.
Police, prosecutors, judges, jailers and local media played a part in aiding mobs who lynched five Black men in Anne Arundel County, historians told a state panel convening in Annapolis on Saturday.
Anne Arundel County Council Republican Nathan Volke of Pasadena withdrew a controversial bill Tuesday night that would ban all flags other than the county, state and federal flags from flying on county flagpoles or being displayed in county buildings.
Anne Arundel County Council Republican Nathan Volke of Pasadena withdrew a controversial bill Tuesday night that would ban all flags other than the county, state and federal flags from flying on county flagpoles or being displayed in county buildings.
With 49 amendments and counting to the Anne Arundel County Police Accountability Board bill, both sides of the debate are still dissatisfied. Human rights groups still think there’s more work to be done, while law enforcement advocates feel the process is demeaning police.