According to Karl Rahner, the econmic Trinity is the immanent Trinity, and the immanent Trinity is the economic Trinity. Got it? Rahner's Rule and God as Trinity
"I distrust folks who have ugly things to say about Karl Barth. I like old Barth. He throws the furniture around." Flannery O'Connor One of the Historian Mark Noll's new book about the reception of C. S. Lewis among the first U.S. American readers historicizes the way Lewis has become a beloved figure especially in American evangelicalism. One way to understand this unique moment is to compare it with the reception of Karl Barth's theology.
The glass-enclosed beacon in its tower, in addition to being a Coast Guard navigation aid for boaters and barges on the river, serves as the topping to the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse’s
A Christian Metaphysic? Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said in Religion in the Making that whereas Christianity has always been a religion seeking a