That. It does not relate to staleness in terms of the desire to have updated, current information to ensure that we are thoroughly adequately analyzing environmental effects of projects in eastern neighborhoods. We have a mechanism for doing that and that is the Community Plan evaluation process that the state law allows for us to do. We are doing that. Supervisor yee supervisor peskin. Ms. Gibson may have answered this and i think its set for in their response number 5, which relates to ceqa guidelines section 15183. I see this through the lens of what i think supervisor ronen is trying to talk about, which is changed circumstances. So, as it relates to this c. P. C. P. E. , that tears off of the peir, the argument that find compelling when they say 7. 68 visits a day which we in this changed culture is not true, you are arguing that cumulatively, these do not because we made findings of over raiding considerations, these do not rise to the level. Is that what you are saying . Chris j
Comment and you are responding to them on behalf of the council, or behalf of the staff, is there some way we can be in the loop of how that communication went . Nicole yes. So youll learn at your First Executive planning meeting on tuesday that we have a process by which we delegate how the council is going to respond and what the response is. Great, thank you. Ms. Senhaux chair thank you very much. Im going to proceed to adjourn. I thank everyone for their time and patience for the meeting going over. And have a nice weekend. Chairman good morning. The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the thursday, september 19th meeting of the government audits and oversight. Im supervisor gar gordon mar, the chair of this committee. Excuse me. Thank you, supervisor fewer. Welcome to the thursday, september 19th meeting of the government audits and oversight. Im joined by supervisor valerie brown. Supervisor peskin was unable to join us. Thank you to supervisor sandra fewer for joining us. And
And Adult Services the office serves at the courtappointed conservator of vulnerable individuals and estates. Due to declining health, some of these individuals are marginally housed for prolonged periods of time while waiting for appropriate housing option. This funding will be used to help them attain or be placed in a safe and stable home such as assisted living, supported housing or similar housing. Those served must meet the c. L. F. And pg criteria. We will provide administration while the p. G. Office is Program Support including Case Management, in person visits, monthly approval of the housing subsidies and other activities to ensure the equitable access and appropriate use of the funds. The p. G. Office will prioritize access based on the conserveties need and the amount will be set okays by case base on the casebycase basis. The subsidy will range depending on the clients need, functional and financial. 30 to 50 of their income while others may be subsidized up to 100 due to
And im on the water committee. I am greatly concerned about this issue, as being knowledgeable of the results of earthquakes in 1906 and 1989 in San Francisco. This is the most pressing problem that we face, as a city. I would wholly endorse the comments that have already been made, but let me add that time is of the essence. You know, i look at this project and think that this is relatively small, compared to the water rebuild system that the p. U. C. Has pretty much completed at this point. That happened in roughly 17 years, at max. You know, the United States sent a man to the moon in ten years, upon the leadership of jack kennedy. Building this system doesnt cost that much. And it needs to be done. Politics needs to take a backseat to the technical needs of getting a comprehensive Fire Suppression system that uses nonpotable water from answer infinite source. Thats what the grand jury has essentially argued for. Bell dings and so thats why i urge you to support this Going Forward i
State law or state code. The threepart test is broken down here. The worker is free from company control. And the second is that any person that is performing work that is outside of the usual course of the hiring entity. And the third part is that the person is putting themselves out in a market and offering their services to other than to the hiring entity that they test, like, do they advertise for their services. And do they are they truly an independent business and are they more directly an employee of that company. So workers are considered to be employees unless they fail this test. And unless all of these conditions apply. And put a caveat there that as a. B. 5 was working towards the Legislature Many exemptions were added to the bill. Gig workers were explicitly not exempted and as we said explicitly many times unless theyre targeting this particular sector. So that brings us to enforcement which is a little bit less clear. There are basically four theyre all labeled one but