Bright and engaging, 16-year-old Mahesh Sharma began delivering groceries for a busy New Delhi shop five years ago. He wanted to support his mother and younger brother after his father left the family one day and did not return. His brother Rohit, now 13, also found a delivery job during the pandemic that shut Indian schools for two years -.
"No amount of online teaching can replace the power of classroom teacher-student interaction and the learning that takes place in this context. The classroom experience cannot be skipped," said Sharad Pandey, a science teacher at a government middle school.
Most of last year, a middle-aged man with a blackboard strapped to his motorcycle was seen making the rounds of Singrauli s remote tribal villages, after schools were ordered shut during the Covid-19 pandemic. For Sharad Pandey, a science .
Prolonged closure of schools lays serious impact on mental health of schoolkids: Report - The sudden surge due to the Omicron variant again forced the closure of the institutions.